Moody Publishers
Moody Publishers is a Christian publishing company that is focused on proclaiming the gospel message through its products. In 1894, it was founded by Dwight L. Moody's vision to provide low-priced, high-quality Christian books for young believers. The company's mission statement is to "educate and edify the Christian and to evangelize the non-Christian by ethically publishing conservative, evangelical Christian literature and other media for all ages around the world; and to help provide resources for Moody Bible Institute in its training of future Christian leaders."
Today Moody Publishers is known for many popular books and authors including Gary Chapman, Jerry B. Jenkins, Tony Evans, Nancy Leigh DeMoss, and John MacArthur. Moody Publishers is the home to two imprints: Northfield Publishing and Lift Every Voice Books, each designed for specific markets.
Moody Publishers (a not-for-profit organization) is a part of the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. All of the organization's excess revenue is given to fund the paid tuition program for MBI students who come from around the world to study and prepare for full-time Christian service.