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'Son of man' is the translation of various Hebrew and Greek phrases used in the Bible. It has diverse meanings, ranging from a normal human being to a prophesied eternal, divine ruler.
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Isaiah 51:11-13
Isaiah 56:1-2
Jeremiah 49:18 (בן־אדם : [ben-'adam])
Jeremiah 49:33 (בן־אדם : [ben-'adam])
Jeremiah 50:40 (בן־אדם : [ben-'adam])
Jeremiah 51:43 (בן־אדם : [ben-'adam])
The Book of Ezekiel is unique within the tradition of the Tanakh, in that as the story unfolds, the phrase son of man is used approximately 94 times by a divine being to refer to the author. For example:
Ezekiel 2
Son of man here appears to be a title referring to the humanity of the author, much how the word "human" may suffice in English. It is not a respectful appellation, but a humbling one (in some cases, an arguably abject one), and this use is a consistent pattern throughout Ezekiel.
All uses of son of man within Ezekiel are:
Within the Hebrew Bible, the first place one comes across the phrase son of man is in Book of Numbers 23:19:
In the Book of Job, we see son of man used a total of three times (all of which, interestingly enough, fall within poetry):
Job 16:18-21
Job 25
Job 35:6-8
Within the Book of Psalms we find the same classical forms employed within Numbers and Job wherewith son of man is used in parallel with man to describe humanity as a whole.
Psalms 8:4-5(5-6)
This passage is also quoted in Hebrews chapter 2; see below.
Psalms 80:14-18(15-19)
Psalms 144:
Psalms 146:
Parts of the text originally written in Aramaic, this portion of the volume deals with a vision attributed to the author about "the times of the end":
Within the context of these passages, the use of son of man is more consistent with the concept of self-reflection. It has been argued that "there came with the clouds of the sky one like a son of man" describes one "like a human being" or "one like [himself]." In the interpretation of the vision given later, this figure represents "the saints of the Most High"(Dan 7:16-18, 21-22, 25-27).[1] By extension, this may have later led to the idea of "the son of man," an eschatological Messianic figure, within Judaism. Such interpretation appears in the Similitudes of Enoch and 4 Ezra.
The son of man figure within the book of Daniel seems based on the Divine figure presented in the Merkabah of the book of Ezekiel.[2][3]
The most common use is similar to that of the English word "human." For example:
1QapGen. XXI.13: MT שיא (Gen. 13.16)
ואשגה זרעך כעפר ארשא די לא ישכח בר אנוש לממדיה
And I will multiply your seed like the dirt of the earth which no son of man (בר אנוש : [bar 'anowsh]) can count. (Aramaic)
In the Hebrew of Genesis 13:16, the word translated as בר אנוש (son of man) was איש (man).
The Book of the Laws of the Countries is the oldest general discussion of mankind in the Aramaic language, dating from the late second to early third century AD;[4] and we can see that ברנשא bar nasha is used in a general form for humanity:
Bardaisan, The Book of the Laws of the Countries, p. 559, lines 11-14:
כינה דברנשא הנו דנתילד ונתרבא ודנקום באקמא ודנולד ודנקש כד אכל וכד שתא וכד דמך וכד מתתששעיר ודמות
This is the nature of the son of man (דברנשא : [debarnasha']), that he should be born and grow up and reach his peak and reproduce and grow old, while eating and drinking and sleeping and waking, and that he should die.
Similarly, there is an 8th or 9th century AD[5] story of how Haninah ben Dosa was bitten by a snake while praying:
y. Ber 5. 1/26 (9a)
כד הוות נכית לבר נשא אין בר נשא קדים למיא חברברא מיית ואין חברברא קדטם למיא בר נשא מיית
When it bites the son of man (בר נשא : [bar nasha']), if the son of man (בר נשא : [bar nasha']) reaches the water first, then snake dies; and if the snake reaches the water first, the son of man (בר נשא : [bar nasha']) dies.
Here, it is not only a method for referring to mankind, but as a way to piously refer to oneself.
This is further illustrated within the letters of John of Dalyatha, from the eighth century AD;[2] where the author is describing a vision:
John of Dalyatha Letters 49. 13
מן בתר הנא שוחלפא אתא בתרה שוחלפא אחרנא דלבשא לה לברנשא נורא מן פסת רגלה ושמדא למוחה דמא דחאר ברנשא הו בה לא חזא לפגרא מרכבא אן להד נורא דלביש
After this transformation, there follows another transformation in which fire clothes the son of man (ברנשא : [barnasha']) from the soles of his feet up to his brain, so that when the son of man (ברנשא : [barnasha']) looks at himself he does not see his composite body, but only the fire with which he is clothed.
In the Koine Greek of the New Testament, the term "the son of man" is invariably "ὁ υἱὸς τοὺ ἀνθρώπου", which might be rendered more literally "the son of the human being"; however, due to conventions of interpreting the definite article in Greek, "the son of man" most scholars believe is a better translation.
The expression occurs 82 times in the four Gospels, and is used only in the sayings of Jesus. It only occurs four times in other New Testament books.[6]
Due to the nature of the Synoptic Gospels and how their sources are intertwined, son of man sayings here are broken down into pericopes, comparing parallel stories between Mark, Matthew and Luke.
Matthew 8:20, cf. Luke 9:58
The Foxes have Holes pericope represents a poem that probably existed first in oral tradition before it was recorded in the hypothetical source document Q. Various reconstructions of this short piece in Aramaic, from the proper period, show possibility of puns and wordplay associated with this particular array of comparisons, which appear to portray the phrase son of man as a general reference to mankind.[7] The phrasing seems to tie in with the Old Testament prophetic expressions used by such prophets as Ezekiel, and it shows Jesus's understanding of himself as the "man" that God has singled out as a friend and representative.[6] A similar saying is found in the Gospel of Thomas verse 86.
Matthew 18:11 (KJV), cf. Luke 19:10
In this verse, "son of man" is clearly used in reference to Jesus, within the common use of humble self-reference (see the Story of Haninah ben Dosa above) rather than referring to generic humanity.
This verse appears in the KJV in the parable of the lost sheep (cf. Luke 15:3–7); however, it does not appear in the oldest existent manuscripts of the New Testament. Due to that and other reasons, some scholars believe it is a later addition to the Gospel tradition and is not included in newer, more critical translations, such as the RSV, NIV or Scholars Version.
Mark 2:27-28, cf. Matthew 12:8, Luke 6:5
Christians commonly take the phrase "son of man" in this passage to refer to Jesus himself. Alternatively, many scholars believe the passage may be more accurately rendered as "a man" or "humanity" in this pericope. This is due to the sequence of "man" → "son of man" as a common literary device in semitic writing as demonstrated earlier.
Matthew 12:38-42, Mark 8:11-13, Luke 11:29-32
Most scholars and theologians agree that the use of son of man in this pericope is consistent with that of self-reference. See also Typology (theology).
In explaining the Parable of the Weeds: Matthew 13:37,41-42
Christians commonly take the phrase "son of man" in this passage to refer to Jesus himself, rather than humanity in general.
Passages referring to Jesus' own imminent death and resurrection.[8]
Luke 18:31-34, Mark 10:32-34, Matthew 20:17-19
Mark 8:31-32:38
Mark 10:35-45 (Son of man came to serve)
Mark 8:38-9:1 (NRSV), Matthew 16:27-28, Luke 9:26-27
Mark 14:62 (ESV), Matthew 26:64 (at his Trial before the Sanhedrin)
Matthew 24:30
- in medieval, and modern Eastern Orthodox art the hetoimasia or empty throne was considered to be the "sign of the Son of man".
Matthew 25:31-32
(See The Sheep and the Goats)
John 1:49-51 (NKJV)
This passage may be an allusion to Jacob's Ladder. In any case, the implication is that seeing the angels ascending and descending on the "son of man" (i.e. the speaker, Jesus) would be a great wonder.
John 5:25-27 (NKJV)
John 8:28
John 9:35-37
John 12:34-36 (NRSV)
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Acts 7:54-57(NRSV)
It is thought by Christian scholars that the author of Acts (also believed to be the author of Luke) includes this reference to "the Son of Man" as a direct reference to Jesus and his previous ascension, to sit at the Right Hand of God in Heaven. They would argue that in Daniel 7, "the Son of Man" refers to his ascending back to his rightful throne and this is the precise picture of him fulfilling such a role as he receives the spirit of Stephen and judges the Pharisees who stoned Stephen, although the complete Judgment (Last judgment?) will occur at the Great White Throne judgment at the end of the age. See Book of Revelation 20 and Christian eschatology.
Hebrews 2:6-9
Here we see a quotation from the Psalms in which "son of man" appears to refer to humanity in general, but which the author of Hebrews appears to interpret as referring specifically to Jesus.
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In both Revelation 1:12 and 14:14, John reports seeing one "like the Son of Man". In 1:12, he is identified as the author of the letters to the seven churches in Revelation 2 and 3.
The phrase "Son of Man" appears in the Book of Parables, the second section of the Ethiopic Book of Enoch (1 En. 37-71), a Second Temple Jewish text probably composed around the turn of the era.[9] Here the phrase is used in reference to an eschatological protagonist with heavenly attributions, who is also called “Righteous One,” “Chosen One,” and “Messiah”. This character was expected to preside over the final judgment, pronouncing the sentence against the unrighteous and the sinners (1 En. 61:8-9) and delivering them “to the angels for the punishment “ (1 En. 62:11). He was also supposed to be worshipped by the “kings and the mighty,” (1 En. 62:9), identified throughout the entire Book of Parables with the wicked, who would ask for his mercy during the eschatological judgment. The ending of the Book of Parables, which some scholars view as a later addition,[10] claims that the "Son of Man" is Enoch himself.
The Book of Enoch claims also the pre-existence of the Son of Man: before the sun and the signs were created, before the stars of the heaven were made, His name was named before the Lord of Spirits (1 En. 48:3) and narrates that from the beginning the Son of Man was hidden, and the Most High preserved him in the presence of His might, and revealed him to the elect ones (1 En. 62:7). The Messianic attributes of Isaiah 11:2-5 are referred to him: in him dwells the spirit of wisdom, and the spirit which gives insight, and the spirit of understanding and of might...(1 En. 49:3). The Son of Man is often said to be sitting on a throne of glory.
As no evidence of the Book of Parables resurfaced among the Dead Sea Scrolls, Jozef Milik suggested in 1976 that the document could be a later Christian text,[11] but this hypothesis is now rejected by most specialists.[12] The third meeting of the Enoch seminar at Camaldoli in 2005 was entirely devoted to academic discussion on the Messiah "Son of Man" in the Book of Parables of Enoch.[13]
The first known use of "The Son of Man" as a title in Jewish writings comes from the book of 1 Enoch and its use played a role in the early Christian understanding and use of the title.[14]
Most Christians [15] believe that the phrase son of man took on Messianic significance within the Christian movement primarily due to the Jewish eschatology during the time of its early conception.[16] Other scholars and Christians believe Jesus did not use the phrase originally as a title at all and that he used it primarily to refer to humanity generally. The phrase then became reworked toward an apocryphal slant. These people originate the phrase in the book of Daniel, in a vision, one like a son of man is described coming upon the clouds of the sky to unite the world. Jesus calls himself as the son of man, and says the time is soon when he will be "sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven" (Mark 14:62).].[17]
As a result, some Christians believe that the New Testament's, primarily the Gospels', usage of the son of man eighty-eight times [18] represents an apocalyptic title of Jesus.[19]
Son of man in Job 25 and Psalm 146[20] is ben adam (Hebrew: בן־אדם), and "son of man" in Psalm 144 is ben enosh (Hebrew: בן־אנוש).
According to the Jesus Seminar, the phrase "son of man" (or "son of Adam") sometimes refers to a heavenly figure that is to come, but when Jesus uses this phrase he is not referring to himself. When he uses the term to refer to one who will suffer, die, and rise, he seems to be referring to himself. In other verses, such as those referring to the "lord of the sabbath," he is referring to human beings.[21]
Geza Vermes, professor emeritus of Jewish studies at Wolfson College, Oxford, has argued that "the son of man" in the Gospels is unrelated to these Hebrew Bible usages. He begins with the observation that there is no example of "the" son of man in Hebrew sources. He suggests that the term originates in Aramaic — bar nash/bar nasha. Based on his study of Aramaic sources, he concludes that in these sources: (1) "Son of man" is a regular expression for man in general. (2) It often serves as an indefinite pronoun ("one" or "someone"). (3) In certain circumstances it may be employed as a circumlocution. In monologues or dialogues the speaker can refer to himself, not as 'I', but as "the son of man" in the third person, in contexts implying awe, reserve, or modesty. (4) In none of the extant texts does "son of man" figure as a title.[22]
This article incorporates text from Easton's Bible Dictionary (1897), a publication now in the public domain.
Son of man is an expression in the sayings of Jesus in Christian writings, including the Gospels, the Acts of the Apostles and the Book of Revelation. The meaning of the expression is controversial. Interpretation of the use of "the Son of man" in the New Testament has remained challenging and after 150 years of debate no consensus on the issue has emerged among scholars.
The expression "the Son of man" occurs 81 times in the Greek text of the four Canonical gospels, and is used only in the sayings of Jesus. The singular Hebrew expression "son of man" (בן–אדם i.e. ben-'adam) also appears in the Hebrew Bible over a hundred times.
The use of the definite article in "the Son of man" in the Koine Greek of the Christian gospels is novel, and before its use there, no records of its use in any of the surviving Greek documents of antiquity exist.Geza Vermes has stated that the use of "the Son of man" in the Christian gospels is unrelated to Hebrew Bible usages.
For centuries, the Christological perspective on Son of man has been seen as a possible counterpart to that of Son of God and just as Son of God affirms the divinity of Jesus, in a number of cases Son of man affirms his humanity. However, while the profession of Jesus as the Son of God has been an essential element of Christian creeds since the Apostolic age, such professions do not apply to Son of man and the proclamation of Jesus as the Son of man has never been an article of faith in Christianity.
"Son of man" is the translation of Hebrew phrases used in the Hebrew Bible.
The Hebrew expression "son of man" (בן–אדם i.e. ben-'adam) appears one hundred and seven times in the Hebrew Bible. This is the most common Hebrew construction for the singular, appearing 93 times in the Book of Ezekiel alone and 14 times elsewhere. In thirty two cases, the phrase appears in intermediate plural form "sons of men". As generally interpreted by Jews, "son of man" denotes mankind generally in contrast to deity or godhead, with special reference to their weakness and frailty
Within the Hebrew Bible, the first place one comes across the phrase son of man is in Book of Numbers Bamidbar 23:19:
In the Book of Job, we see son of man used a total of three times (all of which fall within poetry):
Within the Book of Psalms, we find the same classical forms employed within Numbers and Job wherewith son of man is used in parallel with man to describe humanity as a whole.
What is this that steals the breath?
what is this that horrifies?,
I've got an urge to kill
I've got a will to die,
And I'm creation
I'm destruction, ohhh
Where do they come from?
where do they hide?,
We are the Sons of man
What is this that's tucked away?
what has turned this twisted mind?,
I am your darkest secrets
I am your living lies,
I'm creation
I'm destruction, ohhh
Where do they come from?
where do they hide?,
We are the Sons of man
Ohh, where do they come from?
where do they hide?,
We are the Sons of man
WHOAH- What is this terrror?
what does it feed upon?,
WHOAH- Why have you left us?
the Daughters and the Sons?
I'M LIGHT'S DESTRUCTION, I'm destruction