Mankombu or Moncombu is a village in the district of Alappuzha in the state of Kerala, India. Monkombu is part of the Kuttanad region in Kerala which is one of the two major paddy cultivating regions in the state. Mankompu is especially known for being home for the Rice Research Station of the Kerala Agricultural University. The ancestors of Dr. M. S. Swaminathan, renowned agriculturalist and father of the Indian green revolution, hailed from this village.
Moncombu is also the location of the famous Moncombu Bhagavathy Temple. A temple of the attracts thousands of people every year. An annual 7 days festival begins on 14 April every year. This is followed by the Pathamudayam festival on 23 April every year.
Since the English name is an approximate transliteration of the Malayalam word, there may be ambiguity in the spelling. Moncombu is the spelling recognized by the Postal Department as well as in government communication. But yet other variants such as Mankombu is in use by the press.