
Saint Moninne of Killeavy was one of Ireland's early female saints. After instruction in the religious life, she founded a community, initially consisting of eight virgins and a widow with a baby, at Slieve Gullion, in what became County Armagh. They lived an eremitical life, based on that of Elijah and Saint John the Baptist. Moninne died in 517. Her feast day is July 6.


Moninne was born around 435 in the Donaghmore area of County Down. Her father was Machta, King of the territory stretching from Louth to Armagh and her mother was Comwi or Coman daughter of one of the northern kings. It was said that she was baptised and confirmed by Saint Patrick. When he was passing through the lands of Machta he stopped at her parents' house and predicted that Moninne's name would be remembered throughout time. It was said that she was veiled by Saint Patrick also.

There are a couple of versions of the name Moninne, for example Darerca, Blinne or the spelling Moninna which means in Irish "My Ninna" or "My Daughter". A legend says that she got the name "Moninna" when she cured a dumb man and the first word he uttered was "Ninna Ninna". It was also said that when she was a baby the first word she said was Ninna.



Pleasantly Saying The Most Terrible Things

by: Moneen

Everything's changing
Can't wait to see you when you die
Everything's changing
Can't wait to see you when you die
And with things changing
So much, so fast, so once, so while
And I'm still waiting to see you
When you die alone
And wait for nothing now
Sit alone and wait to die (to die)
Nothing changes...
So stop, so still, so cut and dry
I'm still waiting to say the truth that I can't wait to watch you die
I know you heard me say it now a million times
To say die alone and wait for nothing now
Wait! That's just not right!
To sit alone and wait for you to see that I have nothing left to say (to say)
To sit alone and wait for you to say (to say)
To sit alone and wait for you to say (to say)
To see that I have nothing left to say (to say)
Summer's almost here...
Summer's almost here...
(I can't wait till you die)
Summer's almost here...
Almost here...
Wake up! Summer's almost here
Wake up! Summer's almost here
Wake up! Summer's almost here
(I can't wait till you die)
Wake up! Summer's almost here
