Monarda is a genus of flowering plants in the mint family, Lamiaceae. The genus is endemic to North America. Common names include bee balm, horsemint, oswego tea, and bergamot, the latter inspired by the fragrance of the leaves, which is reminiscent of bergamot orange (Citrus bergamia). The genus was named for the Spanish botanist Nicolás Monardes, who wrote a book in 1574 describing plants of the New World.
Monarda species include annual and perennial herbaceous plants. They grow erect to heights of 20–90 cm (8–35 in). The slender, serrated, lanceolate leaves are oppositely arranged on the stem, hairless or sparsely hairy, and about 7 to 14 centimeters long.
The flowers are tubular and bilaterally symmetric, with a narrow upper lip and a wider lower lip. The wild flowers are single, but some cultivated forms have double flowers. They are hermaphroditic, with male and female structures in each flower. There are two stamens. Inflorescences occur at the top of the stem or emerge from the axils. They are typically crowded head-like clusters of flowers with leafy bracts. Flower color varies, with wild species bearing red, pink, and light purple flowers. M. didyma has bright carmine red flowers, M. fistulosa has pink, and M. citriodora and M. pectinata have pale purple. Hybrids occur in the wild, and they are common in cultivation. Seed collected from hybrids does not yield plants identical to the parent.
Monarda is a genus of moths in the Sphingidae family, containing only one species, Monarda oryx, which is known from Mexico.
The scales and most of the hairs on the forewing upperside are deep rusty brown, except at the costal and distal margins and upon the veins, which are olive. There are two interrupted black antemedian bands and two discal series of black chevrons as well as a series of black postdiscal spots. There are no rusty brown scales on the forewing underside.
Adults are on wing in July.
The larvae have been recorded feeding on Ipomoea stans.
Eu vim de longe e quero swinguera
Por onde passo, levanto poeira
Eu tô de boa e quero mais me divertir
Com ou sem você, eu vou dizer: tô nem aí
Tô nem aí, tô nem aí
Tô nem aí, tô nem aí
Tô nem aí, tô nem aí
Tô nem aí, tô nem aí
Veja só, você era tudo que um dia eu sonhei
Quando te vi, de cara eu gamei
Não sei se era amor
E se for, deixa pra lá
E agora estou assim
De cara nova, estou pensando mais em mim
Tudo na vida, um dia tem que ter um fim
E o que passou, passou, vou te dizer: não tô nem aí
Tô nem aí, tô nem aí
Tô nem aí, tô nem aí
Tô nem aí, tô nem aí
Tô nem aí, tô nem aí