Molvanîa (subtitled A Land Untouched by Modern Dentistry) is a book parodying travel guidebooks. The guide describes the fictional country Molvanîa, a Soviet state, a nation described as "the birthplace of the whooping cough" and "owner of Europe's oldest nuclear reactor". It was created by Australians Tom Gleisner, Santo Cilauro and Rob Sitch (locally known for The D-Generation and The Panel in Australia).
The book became a surprise success after its initial publication in Australia, sparking a bidding war for the international publication rights. Qantas has even run the half-hour video segment produced in association with the book on its international flights.
The Republic of Molvanîa is a composite of many of the worst stereotypes and clichés about Soviet states. The exact location of Molvanîa is never specified; it is said to border Germany, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary and Romania. The shape of the country with its divisions strongly suggests Moldova, and the name has similarities (as has the location description by the authors as "somewhere between Romania and downwind from Chernobyl"); it can also represent a composite country consisting of parts of Hungary, Czech Republic, Croatia, Serbia, Slovakia and perhaps Austria and Poland). The book mentions Bulgarians, Hungarians and perhaps Moldovans (ethnic Romanians) as its inhabitants: "The Molvanian population is made up of three major ethnic groups: the Bulgs (68%) who live predominantly in the centre and south, the Hungars (29%) who inhabit the northern cities, and the Molvs (3%) who can be found mainly in prison."
Your love is what I need
It feels just like a sunset
Your love is what I want
It`s everything or nothing
Tell me what you wanna do?
If I put my love one you
Tell me what you wanna do?
Tell me what you wanna do?
If I put my love one you
Tell me what you wanna do?
Tell me what you wanna do?
If I put my love one you
Tell me what you wanna do?
Tell me what you wanna do?
If I put my love one you
Tell me what you wanna do?
Tell me what you wanna do?
Tell me what you wanna do?
If I put my love one you
Tell me what you wanna do?
Tell me what you wanna do?
If I put my love one you
Tell me what you wanna do?
Your love is what I need
It feels just like a sunset
Your love is what I want
It`s everything or nothïng
Tell me what you wanna do?
If I put my love one you
Tell me what you wanna do?
Tell me what you wanna do?
If I put my love one you