Moiety title is a legal term describing a portion other than a whole of ownership of property. The word derives from Old French moitié, "half" (the word has the same meaning in modern French), from Latin medietas ("middle"), from medius.
In English law, the term is used in parsing aspects of ownership and liability in all forms of property.
In the Australian system of land title, the term is typically applied to maisonettes or attached cottages whereby the owner owns a share of the total land on the title and leases a certain portion of the land back for themselves from the other owner(s). Some finance institutions do not offer loans for properties on moiety titles as security.
Moiety is a Middle English word for one of two equal parts under the feudal system. Thus on the death of a feudal baron with only two daughters as heiresses, a moiety of his fiefdom would generally pass to each daughter, to be held by her husband. This would involve the division of the barony, generally consisting of several manors, into two groups of manors, which division would presumably be effected by negotiation between the two parties concerned. Such was the case in the barony of Newmarch, the caput or chief manor of which was at North Cadbury, Somerset, when James de Newmarch died in 1216. Such a division into moieties was unnecessary when a noble died with surviving male issue (including grandsons or great-grandsons via the male-only line), with instead the applicable default principle being that of primogeniture.
My little girl was playing with her friend from down the street
She took her by the hand and said there's someone you should meet
And then they went into her room to play another game
She picked up all her dollys and told them all by name
I listened as she said their names here's Betty Sue and Kay
Jack and June and Mary Jo and then I've heard her say
This one is my Daddy Doll and she sat him on the floor
I make believe he's daddy since he don't live here no more
My daddy doll is always near to help put me to bed
He kisses me and says goodnight like my real daddy did
He talks with me and never failes to answer when I called
My Daddy Doll is special and I love him most of all
My Daddy Doll is special and I love him most of all