Famous quotes by Mohammad Khan:
"Seven police were killed on the spot and two are missing,"
"In the past decades, all the time our people have had the experience of fighting,"
"We have seen the material that was provided to us by the American side yesterday, ... This material certainly provides sufficient basis for indictment in a court of law."
"We will have to see what kind of format it should have,"
"We don't want to live here forever,"
"We want job opportunities and a good life, a good future for our children,"
"Both sides agree on the integrity of the composite dialogue....the third round of the composite dialogue will take place and hopefully, it will start by the end of this year,"
"The myth of the cease-fire ... has been destroyed by the admission of the Indian chief commander of the region that the Indian forces in Kashmir had fired on peaceful protesters,"
"NFC is growing quite a strong interest from the payments industry as well as from the cell phone providers."