MissbrauchsOpfer Gegen InternetSperren
MissbrauchsOpfer Gegen InternetSperren (MOGIS) (German for "victims of abuse against internet barriers") is a German non-profit organization of victims of child abuse.
MOGIS was founded by Christian Bahls (himself a victim of child abuse) on 1 April 2009 in Rostock in reaction to plans by the German Minister for Family Affairs, Ursula von der Leyen, to use domain name block lists to fight against child pornography on the internet. The organization represents victims of child abuse who argue that such block lists are ineffective in reducing child pornography on the internet. They also criticize that those lists, which were planned to be made by the German BKA without any oversight might lead to the establishment of online censorship and that the whole proposal uses victims of child abuse to further a political agenda that would not do anything to help those victims. Similar concerns had been raised in March 2009 regarding use of blacklists for internet censorship in Australia.