Modern Method Records was a record label that helped to document the Boston hardcore scene in the early 80's. Modern Method was an offshoot of the Newbury Comicsmusic retailer and also the Boston Rock magazine. The label was located at 268 Newbury ST. in Boston, Massachusetts.
They created a device that modernizes and improves on the Edison method by using a hand-worn sleep tracker and app to both influence and record dream content ... about their dream, recording the response.
Developed systematic excavation and recording methods, foundational to modern archeology ...Modern skydiving as a sport developed in the 1950s, building on earlier feats like RaymondYoung’s first recorded free-fall jump in 1919 in the United States.
Although some of the world’s most important ancient cities were located in Anatolia at the time, this valuable heritage had not been adequately recorded using modern methods.