OpenMPT is an open source audio module tracker for Windows. It originally started out under the name ModPlug Tracker, and was developed by Olivier Lapicque in September 1997.
OpenMPT was named by Computer Music as one of the top five free music trackers.
ModPlug code origins
Originally called ModPlug Tracker, it was initially developed as a plug-in named MOD Plugin for Internet browsers, to allow users to listen to music modules (for example, IT, XM, S3M, and MOD) present in some websites. ModPlug Tracker, along with a player application named ModPlug Player later evolved from this plug-in.
In December 1999, Olivier Lapicque sent the module-playing parts of ModPlug Tracker's source code to Kenton Varda, under the GPL, to write a plugin for XMMS based on the code. The source code was later released to the public domain, and the mod-playing code was split off into a separate library, libmodplug, maintained as part of the ModPlug XMMS Plugin project. This project lay dormant from late 2003 until early 2006, when it was picked up again. Today, libmodplug is included in many Linux distributions as a default audio plugin for playing module files and is a part of the popular OpenSource multimedia framework gstreamer.