Mleccha (from Vedic Sanskrit म्लेच्छ mleccha, meaning "non-Vedic", "barbarian"), also spelt as Mlechchha, referred to Foreign Tribes and also to Non-Vedic Indian tribes in ancient India. Mleccha was used by the Vedic tribes as much as the ancient Greeks used barbaros, originally to indicate the uncouth and incomprehensible speech of foreigners and then extended to their unfamiliar behaviour. Mlecchas were found in northwestern India.[1][2] In the Mahabharata the root Sanskrit word barbar meant stammering, wretch, foreigner, sinful people, low and barbarous.[3] The Vayu, Matsya and Brahmanda Puranas state that the seven Himalayan rivers pass through the Mleccha countries.[4][5] Brahmanas lay mlecchas outside the varna system.[6][7] Southworth suggests that the name comes from mizi meaning 'speak', or 'one's speech' derived from Dravidian for language.[8] (see Southworth's etymological derivation of Tamil)
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In ancient India, this term was also applied by the Indians to foreigners. The word Mleccha was commonly used for 'another class of untouchable' or 'outer barbarians of whatever race or colour'.[9][10] The Indians referred to all alien cultures that were less civilized in ancient times as 'Mlechcha'[11] or Barbarians. The Mlechchas were people who were barbaric[clarification needed][12] Among the tribes termed Mlechcha were Sakas, Hunas, Yavanas, Kambojas, Pahlavas, Bahlikas and Rishikas.[13] The Amara-kosa described the Kiratas and Pulindas as the Mleccha-jatis. Indo-Greeks, Scythians,[14] and Kushanas,[15] were also mlecchas.[16][17]
In the epic Mahabharata, some Mleccha warriors are described as having "heads completely shaved or half-shaved or covered with matted locks, [as being] impure in habits, and of crooked faces[18] They are "dwellers of hills" and "denizens of mountain-caves. Mlecchas were born of the cow (belonging to Vasishtha), of fierce eyes, accomplished in smiting looking like messengers of Death, and all conversant with the deceptive powers of the Asuras"[19] Chanakya refers to mleccha forces once attacked Chandragupta. An old sanskrit verse found in the ancient work on astrology identifies Mlecchas with Yavanas or Greeks. It says Mleccha hi yavanstesthu samyak shastramidam sthitam. By this verse means that mleccha, that is Yavana, were expert in the science of astronomy.
According to Swami Parmeshwaranand Mleccha tribe was born from the tail of the celestial cow Nandini, kept by Sasista for sacrificial purposes when there was a fight between Vishvamitra and Vasistha. Mahabharata gives the following information regarding them:-
"This shows mlecchas were against Pandavas and Brahmins".[20][21]
Together with the shift eastwards of the 'pure land' the northern Punjab and trans-Indus region came to be regarded as mleccha-desa'. Later Vedic literature speaks of the western Anava tribes as mlecchas and occupying northern Punjab, Sindh and eastern Rajasthan. The tribes of the north were mlecchas either because they were located on the frontiers such as Gandhara, Kashmira and Kambojas and therefore both their speech and culture had become contaminated and differed from that of Aryavarta, or else, as in the case of South Indians, they were once Aryas but having forsaken the Vedic rituals were regarded to mleccha status.[22]
Prof. Vasudeava Sharana Agrawala admits that the Indians were familiar with the mleccha language right from the time of Satapatha Brahmans. In support of the contention he quotes the Mbh.(Adi Parva,2/103), which refers to the talks between Vidur and Yudhisthira in mleccha language. The latter explained the mleccha language to Kunti in sanskrit, because it was indistinct for her. During the epic age some people having acquaintance with the Asuras used to speak their mleccha language. The Jaimini Dharmasastra (1.3.10) mentions certain mleccha words i.e. pika, nema, sata and tamaras meaning respectively a bird, a half, a vessel, a red lotus which are sanskritized versions of words used in the dravidian languages.[23][24]
The term is not attested in the Vedas, but occurs for the first time in the late Vedic text Shatapatha Brahmana. The law giver Baudhâyana defines a Mleccha as someone "who eats meat or indulges in self-contradictory statements or is devoid of righteousness and purity of conduct". Mleccha could refer to any being who follow different teachings than Vedic beliefs. In the Indian history some indigenous rulers in Assam were called Mlechhas (Mlechchha dynasty). In the Bhagavata Purana the term is used in the context of meat eaters, outcastes.
The sanskritizing of names was a common feature among both indigenous and foreign mlecchas who slowly tried to move away from their status of mleccha. Very often, in the case of ruling families, it took one to two generations to make a transition. One of the most direct forms of the expression of the brahmanical ritual purity was the form and type of food which a brahman could eat. He was forbidden to accept cooked food from any nonbrahman. Thus when the Punjab became a mleccha area the staple food was given a lower place in the food-ranking. By the twelfth century AD wheat was described in one lexicon as 'food of the mlecchas' and rice became the 'pure' cereal. Onions and garlic were also regarded as the food of the mlecchas and therefore prohibited to the brahman. Mlecchas drank alcohol and ate flesh of the cow, and this in later periods was strictly forbidden to an Indian.[25][26]
Medieval Hindu literature, such as that of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, also uses the term to refer to those of larger groups of other religions, especially Muslims.[27] In medieval India, a foreign visitor Al Biruni (died 1048) noted that foreigners were regarded as 'unclean' or 'Mleccha' and Hindus were forbidden any social or matrimonial contact with them.[28]
Republic of Venice was called Mletačka Republika in Serbo-Croatian language and Venetians were called Mletci or Mleci. The term designates stranger or alien.
You're not in love with me
I'm in love with you
You barely even noticed
What's good about me
So I'll keep on tapping my way
This song as my cane
For someone who dares
Take on this man inside of me
You could hardly see
Falling away
So I'll keep on swimming my way
Through that pitch black part of me
Singing this tongue tied and twisted melody
There you go falling into that sea of people
Falling away
You're falling away
It's gone without a trace
I'm singing love songs again
You're falling away
Those dark streets inside of me
How further can they be
Now I can finally see
That pretty seed inside of me
The one thing I need inside of me
And that beast ingrained in me
Is bursting to see
What you and I can be