Redstone may refer to:
The PGM-11 Redstone was the first large American ballistic missile. A short-range ballistic missile (SRBM), it was in active service with the United States Army in West Germany from June 1958 to June 1964 as part of NATO's Cold War defense of Western Europe. It was the first missile to carry a live nuclear warhead, in the 1958 Pacific Ocean weapons test, Hardtack Teak. Chief Engineer Wernher von Braun personally witnessed this historic launch and detonation.
Redstone was a direct descendant of the German V-2 rocket, developed by a team of predominantly German rocket engineers brought to the United States after World War II as part of Operation Paperclip. The design used an upgraded engine from Rocketdyne that allowed the missile to carry the W39 warhead which weighed 6,900 pounds (3,100 kg) with its reentry vehicle to a range of about 175 miles (282 km). Redstone's prime contractor was the Chrysler Corporation.
A major effort to improve Redstone's reliability produced one of the most reliable rockets of the era. Dubbed "the Army's Workhorse", it spawned an entire rocket family which had an excellent launch record and holds a number of firsts in the US space program, notably launching the first US astronaut. It was retired by the Army in 1964 and replaced by the MGM-31 Pershing. Surplus missiles were widely used for test missions and space launches, including the first US man in space, and in 1967 the launch of Australia's first satellite.
Redstone is the name of two characters from Marvel Comics.
The first Redstone is a superhero who is a native to the alternate universe of the original Squadron Supreme. A member of Nighthawk's Redeemers, Redstone, a later creation, is a counterpart to DC Comics and Detroit Justice League character Steel.
The second Redstone is a super-powered serial killer from the reality of the Supreme Power series. Though he shares the same name as the first, his powers in this universe are derived from elements of Hyperion's alien DNA and mimic most - but not all - of his alien abilities.
Michael Redstone was an Apache born on a reservation somewhere in the Southwest United States of "Other-Earth", or "Earth-S", later known as Earth-712. As Redstone, he was a part of Nighthawk's Redeemers. Like the Greek god Antaeus, he drew his power from the Earth, and lost much of his super-strength when not in contact with the ground.
Redstone was recruited into the Redeemers by Nighthawk. Alongside several other Redeemers, he then infiltrated the Squadron Supreme. With Thermite, he captured Shape and took him to Redeemers headquarters for deprogramming. With the other Redeemers, he eventually fought the Squadron in Squadron City, forcing them to end their dictatorship over the United States of "Other-Earth". During the battle, Redstone personally bested Squadron leader Hyperion with Lamprey's aid. After this battle, Redstone remained with the Squadron as a costumed adventurer.