
Mix, mixes, mixture, or mixing may refer to:

In mathematics, science, and technology

In electronics and telecommunications

  • MIX, a mythical computer used in the textbook The Art of Computer Programming by Donald Knuth
  • MIX (Email), a high performance email storage system for use with IMAP
  • MIX (Microsoft), a discontinued annual Microsoft conference
  • Chaum mixes, an anonymous email system proposed in 1981
  • Electronic mixer
  • Frequency mixer
  • Malta Internet Exchange, an Internet backbone for the country of Malta
  • Milan Internet eXchange, in Milan, Italy
  • MIX (Z39.87): NISO Metadata for Images in XML, a standard for encoding metatdata about digital images and image collections
  • Other uses in mathematics, science, and technology

  • Mixture, a kind of chemical substance
  • Crossbreeding, also called mixing, a genetic concept
  • Mixing (mathematics), a concept in ergodic theory
  • Mixing (physics), a descriptive condition of a dynamical system
  • Mixing (process engineering), a unit operation for manipulating physical systems
  • Mixing (mathematics)

    In mathematics, mixing is an abstract concept originating from physics: the attempt to describe the irreversible thermodynamic process of mixing in the everyday world: mixing paint, mixing drinks, etc.

    The concept appears in ergodic theory—the study of stochastic processes and measure-preserving dynamical systems. Several different definitions for mixing exist, including strong mixing, weak mixing and topological mixing, with the last not requiring a measure to be defined. Some of the different definitions of mixing can be arranged in a hierarchical order; thus, strong mixing implies weak mixing. Furthermore, weak mixing (and thus also strong mixing) implies ergodicity: that is, every system that is weakly mixing is also ergodic (and so one says that mixing is a "stronger" notion than ergodicity).

    Mixing in stochastic processes

    Let  \langle X_t \rangle = \{ \ldots, X_{t-1}, X_t, X_{t+1}, \ldots \} be a sequence of random variables. Such a sequence is naturally endowed with a topology, the product topology. The open sets of this topology are called cylinder sets. These cylinder sets generate a sigma algebra, the Borel sigma algebra; it is the smallest (coarsest) sigma algebra that contains the topology. Define a function \alpha(s), called the strong mixing coefficient, as

    Mixing (physics)

    In physics, a dynamical system is said to be mixing if the phase space of the system becomes strongly intertwined, according to at least one of several mathematical definitions. For example, a measure-preserving transformation T is said to be strong mixing if

    whenever A and B are any measurable sets and μ is the associated measure. Other definitions are possible, including weak mixing and topological mixing.

    The mathematical definitions of mixing are meant to capture the notion of physical mixing. A canonical example is the Cuba libre: suppose that a glass initially contains 20% rum (the set A) and 80% cola (the set B) in separate regions. After stirring the glass, any region of the glass contains approximately 20% rum. Furthermore, the stirred mixture is in a certain sense inseparable: no matter where one looks, or how small a region one looks at, one will find 80% cola and 20% rum.

    Every mixing transformation is ergodic, but there are ergodic transformations which are not mixing.


    Hathor (/ˈhæθɔːr/ or /ˈhæθər/;Egyptian: ḥwt-ḥr; in Greek: Ἅθωρ, meaning "mansion of Horus") is an Ancient Egyptian goddess who personified the principles of joy, feminine love, and motherhood. She was one of the most important and popular deities throughout the history of Ancient Egypt. Hathor was worshiped by royalty and common people alike in whose tombs she is depicted as "Mistress of the West" welcoming the dead into the next life. In other roles she was a goddess of music, dance, foreign lands and fertility who helped women in childbirth, as well as the patron goddess of miners.

    The cult of Hathor predates the historic period, and the roots of devotion to her are therefore difficult to trace, though it may be a development of predynastic cults which venerated fertility, and nature in general, represented by cows.

    Hathor is commonly depicted as a cow goddess with horns in which is set a sun disk with Uraeus. Twin feathers are also sometimes shown in later periods as well as a menat necklace. Hathor may be the cow goddess who is depicted from an early date on the Narmer Palette and on a stone urn dating from the 1st dynasty that suggests a role as sky-goddess and a relationship to Horus who, as a sun god, is "housed" in her.

    List of Stargate literature

    This is a list of currently or to be-released Stargate literature.

    Based on the movie

    Based on the television series

    Short fiction

    The official Stargate Magazine, produced by Titan Publishing, began publishing short stories written by Fandemonium authors in their 8th issue. The stories alternate between both SG-1 and Atlantis. The magazine was available in the UK and internationally through Diamond Comic Distributors' Previews catalogue, and ended with issue #36.


    External links

  • Stargate Novels Official Homepage
  • Gateworld Reviews of Books
  • Stargate SG-1 (season 1)

    The first season of the military science fiction television series Stargate SG-1 commenced airing on the Showtime channel in the United States on July 27, 1997, concluded on the same channel on March 6, 1998, and contained 22 episodes. The show itself is a spin off from the 1994 hit movie, Stargate written by Dean Devlin and Roland Emmerich. Stargate SG-1 re-introduced supporting characters from the film universe, such as Jonathan "Jack" O'Neill and Daniel Jackson and included new characters such as Teal'c, George Hammond and Samantha "Sam" Carter. The first season was about a military-science expedition team discovering how to use the ancient device, named the Stargate, to explore the galaxy. However, they encountered a powerful enemy in the film named the Goa'uld, which is bent on destroying Earth and all that oppose them.

    Ratings Success

    The 100-minute premiere "Children of the Gods", which aired on July 27, 1997 at 8 p.m, received Showtime's highest-ever ratings for a series premiere and ranked as the highest-rated original movie to premiere on Showtime in 3-1/2 years at the time. The show got a 10.5 rating in Showtime's approximately 12 million U.S. households, which equaled approximately 1.5 million homes in total. Season one regular cast members included Richard Dean Anderson, Amanda Tapping, Michael Shanks, Christopher Judge and Don S. Davis.

