The anomaly usually appears as a Feynman diagram with a chiralfermion running in the loop (a polygon) with n−k external gravitons and k external gauge bosons attached to the loop where where is the spacetime dimension. Anomalies occur only in even spacetime dimensions. For example, the anomalies in the usual 4 spacetime dimensions arise from triangle Feynman diagrams.
General covariance and gauge symmetries are very important symmetries for the consistency of the whole theory, and therefore all gravitational, gauge, and mixed anomalies must cancel out.
The Pocuro Fault Zone hosts other occurrences of interest along the 12 km of strike within the Caballos project area, notably the MuleHill anomaly about 5 km north of Chincolco. “Another stand-out feature of the drill hole is the mix of elements.
It's a Zags team that was always in flux, as evidenced by Few's tinkering with his lineup throughout the season — something longtime watchers of the Bulldogs will recognize as a wild anomaly for a coach who almost never mixes up his starters ... ♦ ....