
.geo was a generic top-level domain proposed by SRI International to be used to associate Internet resources with geographical locations, via a system of "georegistrars" and "georegistries" with hierarchical addresses representing locations in a grid encircling the Earth. These addresses are not intended to be typed in directly by end-users (and hence are "messy" strings like acme.2e5n.10e30n.geo) but rather, would be used "behind the scenes" by software looking things up by location (possibly driven by GPS positioning in mobile devices).

A number of schemes have been proposed or implemented in an attempt to classify Internet sites geographically; many of them do not require anything special in DNS (e.g., the GeoURL initiative). The .geo proposal can, hence, be criticized as making unnecessary use of a top-level domain where it might have been implemented using subdomains elsewhere (perhaps within .arpa, the domain allocated for infrastructure lookups), or with non-DNS methods such as "meta" tags in Web sites.


GEO or Geo may refer to any of the following:

In computational & scientific use:

  • GEO (magazine), a popular scientific magazine
  • GEO 600, a detector for gravitational radiation
  • Global Environment Outlook, an environmental assessment produced by the United Nations
  • Geo (microformat), a microformat for marking up geographical coordinates in (X)HTML
  • Geo URI, an IETF proposed standard for making URIs for physical locations
  • Gene Expression Omnibus, a National Center for Biotechnology Information database for gene expression
  • Geostationary Earth orbit, another name for geostationary orbit, a geosynchronous orbit directly above the Earth's equator.
  • In commercial use:

  • Geomarketing, a discipline within marketing analysis
  • Geo TV, a leading television channel in Pakistan
  • Geo (automobile), a defunct brand of entry-level cars produced by General Motors
  • GEO Group, a prison corporation
  • People:

  • Geo. is sometimes an abbreviation of the name George
  • Geo Bogza, Romanian poet and essayist
  • Geo Dumitrescu, Romanian poet
  • GEOS (16-bit operating system)

    GEOS is a computer operating environment, graphical user interface, and suite of application software. Originally released as PC/GEOS, it runs on DOS-based, IBM PC compatible computers. The package later became GeoWorks Ensemble, then NewDeal Office, and is now Breadbox Ensemble. Versions for some handheld platforms were also released.

    PC/GEOS was first created by Berkeley Softworks, who later became GeoWorks Corporation. Version 4.0 was developed in 2001 by Breadbox Computer Company, LLC, and named Breadbox Ensemble.

    PC/GEOS should not be confused with the 8-bit GEOS product from the same company, which runs on the Commodore 64 and other computers using MOS 6502-compatible microprocessors.


    GeoWorks Ensemble

    In 1990, GeoWorks released GEOS for IBM PC compatible systems, PC/GEOS. Also called GeoWorks Ensemble, it was incompatible with the earlier 8-bit versions of GEOS for Commodore and Apple II computers, but provided numerous enhancements, including scalable fonts and multitasking even on XT and AT-class PC clones. GeoWorks saw a market opportunity to provide a graphical user interface for the 16 million older model PCs that were unable to run Microsoft Windows 2.x.

