VAM may refer to:
VAM is the abbreviation for the Italian term velocità ascensionale media, translated in English to mean "average ascent speed" or "mean ascent velocity", but usually referred to as VAM. The term, which was coined by Italian physician and cycling coach Michele Ferrari, is the speed of elevation gain, usually stated in units of metres per hour.
VAM is a parameter used in cycling as a measure of fitness and speed; it is useful for relatively objective comparisons of performances and estimating a rider's power output per kilogram of body mass, which is one of the most important qualities of a cyclist who competes in stage races and other mountainous events. Ferrari also stated that VAM values exponentially rise up with every gradient increase. For example, a 1180 VAM of a 64 kg rider on a 5% gradient is equivalent to a VAM of 1400 m/h on a 10 % or a VAM of 1675 m/h on a 13% gradient. Ambient conditions (e.g. friction, air resistance) have less effect on steeper slopes (absorb less power) since speeds are lower on steeper slopes