The minim was introduced in the 1809 edition of the The pharmacopœia of the Royal College of Physicians of London as an alternative to the drop, which had previously been the smallest unit of the apothecaries' system. It was observed that the size of a drop can vary considerably depending upon the viscosity and specific gravity of the liquid. (At the time, the phenomenon of surface tension was not well-understood.) The minim, on the other hand, was measured with a graduated glass tube known as a "minimometer" later known as the minim-tube. The minim-tube was a type of graduated pipette, a device invented in 1791 by Francois Antoine Henri Descroizilles.
Apothecaries' measures are fully described in the Weights and Measures Act of 1878. In the United Kingdom, the 1963 Weights and Measures Act provided for the abolition of the minim, fluid scruple, and fluid drachm, all already obsolete. Actual delegalization occurred on 1 February 1971.
Half notes are notated with a hollow oval note head (like a whole note) and a straight note stem with no flags (like a quarter note; see Figure 1). The half rest (or minim rest) denotes a silence for the same duration. Half rests are drawn as filled-in rectangles sitting on top of the middle line of the musical staff. As with all notes with stems, half notes are drawn with stems to the right of the note head, facing up, when they are below the middle line of the staff. When they are on or above the middle line, they are drawn with stems on the left of the note head, facing down.
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