Shelf stereo
The term shelf stereo refers to any home stereo system that is small enough for placement on a shelf or other similar location. Shelf stereo systems are becoming more popular as their capabilities increase while their size decreases. In the 2010s, the price of shelf stereo systems are declining and they give consumers a better product for less money. The term may be used to describe systems ranging from a basic, battery-powered boombox to a sophisticated, multi-function high-powered receiver and speakers. Shelf stereos are often rated using the total system power in order to "beef-up" their apparent power.
Shelf stereos date back to the radio receivers often found in diners ever since the advent of radio. However, these early receivers were not stereophonic receivers.
In terms of amplifier power, many shelf stereo systems have a total system power greater than 500 watts, which is considerably more than many surround sound receivers, which are usually higher in price. Most shelf stereos use either the standard two channel format or the 2.1 channel format (which includes a subwoofer), with the latter being more common in the higher powered systems. The "point one" indicates the use of a subwoofer along with the two main speakers.