The Minbari are a fictional alien race featured in the television show Babylon 5. The Minbari characters of Delenn and Lennier figure prominently throughout the series; Neroon, Draal, and Dukhat are less prominent Minbari characters.
The fictional planet of Minbar is the homeworld of the Minbari race. The planet and race were named by Babylon 5 creator J. Michael Straczynski after the Islamic pulpit known as a minbar.
They use base-eleven mathematics but also place a great emphasis on the number three. They are arguably the most enigmatic of the "younger races" and generally prefer a more isolationist way of life, in fact, in the made-for-TV film In The Beginning the Centauri Ambassador Londo Mollari warns the Humans against trying to make contact with them for that very reason (a warning they ignored, ultimately leading Earth to almost complete annihilation in the Earth–Minbari War). Although the Minbari are considerably younger than the ancient First Ones, they are among the oldest of the "younger races". The Minbari are more advanced in terms of technology than the humans. During the time-frame in which most Babylon 5 episodes are set, Earth warships and fighters (such as the Omega destroyers) are shown to be inferior in speed, maneuverability, and firepower to Minbari warcruisers and fighters.
If I was a friend of mine
I would surely be concerned
I'd recommend I take some time
Away from me
I think I need a holiday from myself
I need some time away from being me
I'm worried about my health
And I seem to be bad company
I need time
To be careless with my mouth
Not worry what I think about
'Cos it's all fine
I need the dawn
I never get to bed before
I don't sleep naked anymore
And I can't lie in
Imagine I could take a package deal
A SAGA tour of ancient Rhodes
A weekend break in Galashiels
Or circumnavigate the globe
I think I need
Two weeks in a caravan
To get away from who I am
And where I've been
So book me up
An all expenses pleasure cruise
Away from thinking about you
All the time
It's a bad sign
I need to kick back in the sun
I need to masquerade as someone else
I need to get myself some fun