TID may refer to:
Turkish Sign Language (Turkish: Türk İşaret Dili, TİD) is the language used by the deaf community in Turkey. As with other sign languages, TİD has a unique grammar that is different from the oral languages used in the region.
TİD uses a two-handed manual alphabet which is very different from the two-handed alphabets used in the BANZSL sign languages.
There is little published information on Turkish Sign Language.
According to the Turkish Statistical Institute, there are a total of 89,000 persons (54,000 male, 35,000 female) with hearing impairment and 55,000 persons (35,000 male, 21,000 female) with speaking disability living in Turkey, based on 2000 census data.
TİD is dissimilar from European sign languages. There was a court sign language of the Ottoman Empire, which reached its height in the 16th century and 17th centuries and lasted at least until the early 20th. However, there is no record of the signs themselves and no evidence the language was ancestral to modern Turkish Sign Language.
TID is a Bongo Flava musician from Tanzania, whose real name is Khalid Mohamed (born 1981 in Dar es Salaam). TID is an acronym of Top in Dar, in which "Dar" refers to Dar es Salaam, his hometown. He is best known for his hits "Zeze" and "Siamini".
He started singing in 1994 with a group known as Black Gangsters. He turned solo five years later. At the age of 21 he signed with Poa Records. His first single "Mrembo" was released in March 2002. He did also act the main role on the film "Girlfriend", a film about the Bongo Flava scene.
He has toured in East African countries, United Kingdom and United States. He performs with a live band called Top Band.
His hit "Zeze" is included in the Global Soul compilation by Putumayo World Music.
In 2008 he was sentenced for one year in prison for an assault. He was released four months later.
In May, 2010, it was reported that he was assaulted by professional basketball player Hasheem Thabeet in a night club in Tanzania. Thabeet, through his agent, has denied being involved with any altercation that night although he was present at the night club.
Min or MIN may refer to:
15 min (Lithuanian: Penkiolika minučių) is one of the largest news websites in Lithuania, owned by an Estonian media company "Eesti media". News website 15min.lt has an audience of over one million unique users per month and is No. 1 news source in mobile devices. The news website is led by Tomas Balžekas, who is CEO and publisher of 15min.lt.
The company was founded in 2005 as a free daily newspaper published in Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipėda and distributed in public buses, streets and some cafés. In December 2011, it became a weekly newspaper circulating in seven Lithuanian cities. The newspaper was closed in 2013 as the company decided to concentrate its operations in digital platforms only.
The Sigma baryons are a family of subatomic hadron particles which have a +2, +1 or −1 elementary charge or are neutral. They are baryons containing three quarks: two up and/or down quarks, and one third quark, which can be either a strange (symbols Σ+, Σ0, Σ−), a charm (symbols Σ++
c, Σ+
c, Σ0
c), a bottom (symbols Σ+
b, Σ0
b, Σ−
b) or a top (symbols Σ++
t, Σ+
t, Σ0
t) quark. However, the top Sigmas are not expected to be observed as the Standard Model predicts the mean lifetime of top quarks to be roughly 6975500000000000000♠5×10−25 s. This is about 20 times shorter than the timescale for strong interactions, and therefore it does not form hadrons.
The symbols encountered in these lists are: I (isospin), J (total angular momentum), P (parity), u (up quark), d (down quark), s (strange quark), c (charm quark), t (top quark), b (bottom quark), Q (charge), B (baryon number), S (strangeness), C (charmness), B′ (bottomness), T (topness), as well as other subatomic particles (hover for name).