The Millen House (also known as "Raintree House") is a historic residence on the campus of Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana, United States. Built by an early farmer, it is one of Bloomington's oldest houses, and it has been named a historic landmark.
Born in 1801 in Chester District, South Carolina, William Moffett Millen married the former Eleanor McGill, a native of Xenia, Ohio, and moved to Bloomington circa 1833. He was one of many Scotch-Irish South Carolinians who moved to the Bloomington region around this time; these individuals fled north because of their opposition to the slavery system prevalent in South Carolina at the time. Most of these people, including Millen, were members of small Presbyterian denominations: the Associate, Associate Reformed, and Reformed Presbyterian Churches. These three denominations were very similar to each other: the Reformed and Associate churches left the Church of Scotland due to what they believed to be that denomination's departure from biblical teachings; and the Associate Reformed Church was formed by a partial merger of the other two denominations in 1782, from which some members of both sides remained separate and reorganized their denominations as they were before the merger. Because of their shared heritage, the members of the three denominations were culturally very similar and maintained social ties across their religious differences. When the Reformed Presbyterian Church's governing body banned slavery in 1800, its members complied with the decision almost unanimously, becoming fervent abolitionists; although the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church in the South never spoke officially on the subject, many of its members were in agreement with the Reformed Presbyterians. As the economy of upland South Carolina faltered in the 1820s, many members of these churches began to sell their small farms and move to free states.
Impoverished inner workings
Solitary, dejected hollow shell
Ridiculed by your peers
Frustrations consuming all waking moments
Delusions and anxiety riddle the mind
Turning on yourself slicing vulnerable tissue
Compulsive neurosis dominating you
Emotionally starved, obsessions contrived
Fabricating a whole new world
Imprisoned within, hallucinations solidify
Empty feeling of dread
Innate psychosis swells past threshold levels
Consummate your deficient self
Downward spiral engulfed by this deity
Gauging at your soul, obtuse revelations
Droning through life over medicated
Solicit insights to your psyche
Pharmaceutical junkie, sullen persuasion
Picked apart then left to fend for yourself
Esoteric fiends swarm to observe progress
Gnostic practitioners attempt to reconstruct
Emotionally starved, obsessions contrived
Fabricating a whole new world
Imprisoned within, hallucinations solidify
Consummate your deficient self
Innate psychosis swells past threshold levels
Empty feeling of dread
Galvanize your willingness for normalcy
Enthusiastic in supplying dependency
Intertwined you will forever be