Milecastle 67 (Stainton) is a conjectured milecastle of the Roman Hadrian's Wall. The site of the milecastle has been calculated from measurement to known milecastle sites, but no remains providing proof of its existence have been identified, though Roman coins were found in 1861, during the digging of the adjacent railway cutting.
Each milecastle on Hadrian's Wall had two associated turret structures. These turrets were positioned approximately one-third and two-thirds of a Roman mile to the west of the Milecastle, and would probably have been manned by part of the milecastle's garrison. The turrets associated with Milecastle 67 are known as Turret 67A (grid reference NY377565) and Turret 67B (grid reference NY373567), though no evidence of either has been identified.
Milecastle 38 (Hotbank) was a milecastle on Hadrian's Wall in the vicinity of Hotbank Farm, (grid reference NY77276813). It is notable for the joint inscription bearing the names of the emperor Hadrian and Aulus Platorius Nepos, the governor of Brittania at the time the Wall was built.
The site of Milecastle 38 is located in the vicinity of Hotbank Farm, Little remains of the milecastle except rubble walls outlined by robber trenches.
The milecastle was excavated in 1935 and found to be 18 metres east-west by 15 metres north-south. It was found to have a short axis, with a Type I gateway. Pottery finds indicated an occupation of the 4th century. There was a rectangular building in the south-west corner and a causeway, 3.6 metres wide, to the east. A tombstone was found, inscribed " xit annis... mensibus du...ebus quinque", re-used as a pivot stone in the south gateway.
Milecastle 38 is notable for the joint inscription bearing the names of the emperor Hadrian and Aulus Platorius Nepos, the governor of Brittania at the time the Wall was built. The left hand part was found c. 1715 and the right hand part was found in 1829.
Coordinates: 54°58′29″N 1°39′11″W / 54.974663°N 1.653079°W / 54.974663; -1.653079
Milecastle 6 (Benwell Grove) was a milecastle of the Roman Hadrian's Wall.
The exact location of this milecastle is unknown but the wall in this area runs beneath the A186. The area is built over with roads and terraced houses and no milecastle remains are known.
In 1966 J Collingwood Bruce suggested that the site of Milecastle 6 lay beneath the Benwell Grove road in Newcastle.
Each milecastle on Hadrian's Wall had two associated turret structures. These turrets were positioned approximately one-third and two-thirds of a Roman mile to the west of the Milecastle, and would probably have been manned by part of the milecastle's garrison. The turrets associated with Milecastle 6 are known as Turret 6A and Turret 6B.
Turret 6A has never been located from its remains. It has been positioned from the average distance to Turret 6B. This places Turret 6A approximately 90 yards (82 m) east of the eastern rampart of Condercum fort. This places it underneath the houses and road of Westholme Gardens in Benwell.