Middle America is contrasted with the more culturally progressiveurban areas of the country, particularly, those of the East and West Coasts. The conservative values considered typical of Middle America (often called "family values" in American politics) are often called "Middle American values".
US LNG exports to other regions, including the MiddleEast, North Africa, and LatinAmerica, also increased in 2024 and accounted for 14% (1.6 billion ft3/d) of total exports, compared with 8% (0.9...
It seems that US has forgotten its defeat in Vietnam and does not realize that the Yemeni people are nothing compared to Vietnam’s struggle against America, and so the US will be defeated again.
And even if America today has chosen to be in the middle, in the middle means in the middle and not closer to the Kremlin, and that’s important.” ... “America, by and large, the people have always supported us”, he said.
'3 percent of US trade runs through the suez ...Mike is national security adviser Mike Waltz who said it will have to be the US that reopens these shipping lanes ... US special envoy to the MiddleEastSteve Witkoff responded with five emojis.
China now needs to assume a responsible role in the region’s security dynamics in order to confront the US-Israeli plans for long-term hegemony in the MiddleEast and to safeguard its own interests. .
It does not matter where in the world you are, but I observe US Pacific TimeAmerica/Los_Angeles I am happy to work with anyone anywhere. I am in the middle of a migration that needs to be done within ...
Call us old fashioned, but ...Ron Paul of Texas has reminded us, if Trump really wanted an “America first” foreign policy, he would keep America out of MiddleEast conflicts rather than be stuck in them.
Prior to the full-scale invasion, our main markets were Africa, the MiddleEast, the EU, the US and SouthAmerica... to us, which is more attractive in terms of transportation costs,” Longobardo added.
Despite these challenges, SA businesses can take proactive steps by.Diversifying export markets beyond the US to Asia, the MiddleEast and LatinAmerica;Boosting intra-African trade through the ...