
A midden (also kitchen midden or shell heap; from early Scandinavian; Danish: mødding, Swedish regional: mödding) is an old dump for domestic waste which may consist of animal bone, human excrement, botanical material, vermin, shells, sherds, lithics (especially debitage), and other artifacts and ecofacts associated with past human occupation. The word is of Scandinavian via Middle English derivation, but is used by archaeologists worldwide to describe any kind of feature containing waste products relating to day-to-day human life. They may be convenient, single-use pits created by nomadic groups or long-term, designated dumps used by sedentary communities that accumulate over several generations.

These features, therefore, provide a useful resource for archaeologists who wish to study the diet and habits of past societies. Middens with damp, anaerobic conditions can even preserve organic remains in deposits as the debris of daily life are tossed on the pile. Each individual toss will contribute a different mix of materials depending upon the activity associated with that particular toss. During the course of deposition sedimentary material is deposited as well. Different mechanisms, from wind and water to animal digs, create a matrix which can also be analyzed to provide seasonal and climatic information. In some middens individual dumps of material can be discerned and analysed.

Midden (disambiguation)

Midden is an old dump for domestic waste associated with past human occupation.

Midden may also refer to:

  • Packrat midden, a debris pile constructed by a woodrat
  • Privy midden, a toilet system that consisted of a privy associated with a midden (or middenstead)
  • Midden (slang), in Scotland and Northern England, refers to anything that is a mess, including people
  • Midden (farming), a place where farm yard manure from cows or other animals is collected
  • Midden (burrow), ground burrows that are used mostly for food storage
  • Dung midden, an animal toilet area or dunghill, also serving as a territorial marker
  • Midden (anvil), sites where rocks or similar items are available as natural anvils on which the animals habitually break open the shells
  • Octopus midden, a pile of debris that octopuses pile up to conceal the entrance of their dens
  • See also

  • landfill
  • waste disposal
  • animal toilet
  • dunghill
  • burrow
  • Podcasts:


    Just Rock N Roll

    by: Midtown

    you can never tell me i shouldn't walk away
    its foolish to assume that ill be coming back another day
    you were never right and i was never wrong
    does truth lie in sincerity of another sullen song
    cause you were right then i should have been the one to release it
    its coming back to tease me
    but i was just born and you're pride was too strong
    can you change it?
    are you willing to face it?
    you can tell your story and coat it any way
    but you will never change who you trying to play
    now your friends are falling out
    they know you just don't care
    they know you never did
    because they say always
    the first one is never as good as the next.
    hey, it's just rock and roll
    even though you might think you lost it all.
    cause the times they are a changin
    and who can predict what's next
    hey, you lost control
    even though you might have thought you had it all
    and hey, it's just rock and roll
    and i'll never change
    i love it just the same
    i'll never change
    because i love it just the same
    god i wish i could hate you the rest of my life
    god i wish i could hate you for the rest of my
    nothing would make me happier
