Famous quotes by Michael Lynn:
"We tend to think of America as a place where the voluntary tip is king. Today, that's not necessarily the case."
"Yes, people do tip more for good service, but they don't tip that much more. Literally, the weather outside has as much of an influence on tipping as does the level of service."
"The vulnerability which I demonstrated -- but didn't give any information about -- was properly disclosed to Cisco months in advance,"
"That said, the disclosure debate is one that needs to happen. The idea of full disclosure is just about as dangerous as no disclosure at all. As with most things, we have to find the proper balance."
"It seems to me there is a licence agreement dispute over that now, but the licence was with ISS, not me,"
"Coach [Andrew] Faison [at VSU] and his staff have a great team, but since we lost to Shaw, we have been hoping for a chance at the end of the season,"
"A chef has a rare skill that requires a great deal of effort and study. People may feel less guilt because of that. I don't feel bad that a chef cooked me a meal, but I do feel bad that a waiter had to serve it to me."
"as a result of continued research related to the demonstration."
"I think I did the right thing. It was pretty scary, but the real important message was [that] there was a potential or serious problem coming in the future. It wasn't too late to fix it, but you had to take it seriously."
"I feel I had to do what's right for the country and the national infrastructure, ... It has been confirmed that bad people are working on this [compromising IOS]. The right thing to do here is to make sure that everyone knows that it's vulnerable."