Famous quotes by Michael Hill:
"Dr. Siddique has been with the university since 1985. He became tenured in 1991. There?s a whole routine professors go through, and quality is certainly one of the determining factors. You can intimate that at the point that he went through the process, he was truly a valuable asset to the university."
"I don't remember the piece, but I do remember it wasn't the kind that prodigies play. What impressed me most was she had a clear understanding of the role of the soloist and the orchestra. She worked with the players. She knew the score so well she knew what each section had to play. So when the oboes were doing a passage, for example, she would look at them and smile."
"I just know we really wanted it. We'll stay here for a really long time -- at least 30 years."
"It brings entertainment and a respite from the stress of the hospital experience to patients who for the most part can't get out. Many of the patients we visit are quite ill and have to spend all of the time in the room. We bring to them for five minutes something that can take them away. It helps them relax."
"I am perfectly happy where I am and look forward to rebuilding a championship with the Florida Marlins."
"We're still investigating. The case is so new we really don't have a lot of information yet."
"It is still our position that the city and its employee didn't do anything wrong."
"I think what she has done is find something which is at a level that she can deal with without surrendering her integrity on the one hand and without surrendering her priesthood on the other."
"He is close friends with a particular family. A little girl from this family came forward to us and Harford County authorities to tell us about sexual abuse."