Famous quotes by Michael Gordon:
"People are still going to drive [drunk],"
"But it gives the law a little more bite."
"Accommodations in Higher Education Under the Americans with Disabilities Act: A No-Nonsense Guide for Clinicians, Educators, Administrators, and Lawyers."
"The charge that the department has divulged information to foreign governments or encouraged foreign governments to take legal action is completely false,"
"If Iraq has chemical weapons -- and they do -- that's a worry in the battlefield. That's a tactical problem. But it's not a strategic weapon. It's not a weapon that, in and of itself, changes the balance of power in the region."
"That would change the entire strategic equation in the Persian Gulf."
"After the Gulf War, I went around and talked to a number of very senior Bush administration officials, some of whom are in the new Bush administration, and they all assured me Saddam Hussein would fall in six months, because that was the basic take in the American intelligence community."
"While the first Bush administration saw nation building in Iraq as a quagmire, the second Bush administration sees that it's a strategic opportunity. The first Bush administration was afraid they'd be stuck. American troops would be staying there forever. It would be a chaotic country, might fall apart. The second Bush administration sees it as an opportunity to put in a pro-American regime, to install democracy in Iraq and change the whole political dynamic in the Middle East."
"We have to bus children out of the downtown because of the burgeoning numbers of school-age children. It's happening more quickly than we expected."
"Half the winters where EIA projects anything like this, their figure ends up collapsing. The market is very fluid -- look at the drop in prices last year -- and we've seen a 10 percent price adjustment even in the last week."