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Mia Dyson (born 1981) is an Australian singer, songwriter, and guitarist. She shot to fame with her 2003 album Cold Water and her subsequent follow-up album, Parking Lots, which won "Best Blues & Roots Album" at the 2005 ARIA Awards.
When queried by the Sydney Morning Herald on how she went from a settled family life, in the Victorian beachside resort town of Torquay to playing and singing blues and roots music she responded by saying:
"I don't know either, it's a testament to the power of music and how that whole childhood of being played what I consider incredible music seeped into my bloodstream. My parents were always playing the records of Little Feat, Bob Dylan, Ry Cooder, Bonnie Raitt, Neil Young, everything. Torquay is devoid of any artistic pursuits and had I only had that culture I'm sure I would not be playing music. I might have had more luck with the alcohol if I'd been left to the surfing culture."
Mia, MIA, or M.I.A. may refer to:
The Dark Tower is a series of eight novels written by American author Stephen King, which incorporate multiple genres including fantasy, science fantasy, horror and western. Below are The Dark Tower characters that come into play as the series progresses.
Roland Deschain, son of Steven Deschain, was born in the Barony of Gilead, in In-World. Roland is the last surviving gunslinger, a man whose goal is finding and climbing to the top of the Dark Tower, purported to be the very center of existence, so that he may right the wrongs in his land. This quest is his obsession, monomania and geas to Roland: In the beginning the success of the quest is more important than the lives of his family and friends. He is a man who lacks imagination, and this is one of the stated reasons for his survival against all odds: he can not imagine anything other than surviving to find the Tower.
Edward Cantor "Eddie" Dean first appears in The Drawing of the Three, in which Roland encounters three doors that open into the New York City of our world in different times. Through these doors, Roland draws companions who will join him on his quest, as the Man In Black foretold. The first to be drawn is Eddie Dean, a drug addict and a first-time cocaine mule. Eddie lives with his older brother and fellow junkie Henry, whom Eddie reveres despite the corrupting influence Henry has had upon his life. Roland helps Eddie fight off a gang of mobsters for whom he was transporting the cocaine, but not before Eddie discovers that Henry has died from an overdose of heroin in the company of the aforementioned mobsters (after which the mobsters decide to chop off Henry's head). It is because of Eddie's heroin addiction that he is termed 'The Prisoner', and that is what is written upon the door from which Roland draws him.
The following is a list of characters from Camelot Software Planning's Golden Sun series of role-playing video games, consisting of 2001's Golden Sun for Game Boy Advance and its 2003 Game Boy Advance follow-up, Golden Sun: The Lost Age, which deals with the efforts of opposing groups of magic-wielding warriors concerning the restoration of the omnipotent force of Alchemy to the fictional world of Weyard. Classified as Adepts of Weyard's four base elements of Earth, Fire, Wind, and Water, these characters possess the ability to employ a chi-like form of magic named Psynergy. Adepts among the common populace are few and far between the settlements of the game's world. The game's characters were created and illustrated by Camelot's Shin Yamanouchi.
And you don't believe a word you told me
You never meant to be the first
The first hit is the worst
The second makes it hurt
The first hit is the worst
The second makes it
And you seem to know my friends
They told me
We never forced ourselves on you
The third one breaks my back
The fourth one is a
Don't you want to burn yourself forever?
Don't you want to live it down