Dozens of MetropolitanPolice officers battered down a door to arrest six women at a Quaker meeting group while they were discussing climate change and Gaza... MailOnline has approached the Metropolitan Police for full comment.
... planning to develop "state-of-the-art arenas." ... "We're carefully assessing opportunities to professionalise basketball at a higher level with enhanced commercial potential," Silver stated last January.
In a first, the state government has suggested to building proposal departments of respective municipal corporations in the MumbaiMetropolitanRegion (MMR) to function on Gudhi Padwa (Sunday), so ...
Public transport users also had to bear additional expenses after the Karnataka government approved a 15% hike in fares for state-owned transport corporations in January ... by the state government.
... said James Mejia, a former school board member and one-time mayoral candidate who has held a string of high-profile jobs in the city and is now chief strategy officer at MetropolitanStateUniversity.
There are variations in the impacts across district sizes with typical school districts in metropolitan and micropolitan areas expereicneing net decreases in funding after tax caps and state funding ...
The report showed that employment in the state’s leisure and ... The Miami-Fort Lauderdale-West Palm Beach metropolitan statistical area had the state’s lowest unemployment rate in February at 3.2%.
...Eastpointe delays decision on new courthouse, police headquarters MetropolitanChorus gears up for gospel concert in Eastpointe Mount Clemens applies for state funds to replace bridge — again.
In BrianGoldstone’s There Is No Place for Us... “They’re being pushed.” Most Popular ... housing. There is not a state, metropolitan area, or county where a full-time worker making the local minimum wage can afford a two-bedroom apartment ... Rather, it’s this.