Methuselah Foundation
Logo for the Methuselah Foundation
Founder(s) Aubrey de Grey & David Gobel
Type 501(c)(3)
Founded 2000
Location Springfield, Virginia, United States
Key people David Gobel, Roger Holzberg, Andrej Bartke, Craig Cooney
Area served Global
Focus Life extension, rejuvenation
Method My Bridge 4 Life, The Mprize, MLife Sciences
Motto Extending healthy human life

The Methuselah Foundation studies methods of extending lifespan. It is a non-profit 501(c)(3) volunteer organization, co-founded by Aubrey de Grey and David Gobel, which is based in Springfield, Virginia, United States.[1] Activities of the foundation include My Bridge 4 Life, a community tool designed to help people deal with the different diseases of aging; the Mprize, a monetary prize given to anyone who efficiently rejuvenates and/or extends the healthy lifespan of mice, and various collaborative projects under the umbrella concept of MLife Sciences. The foundation takes it name from the Biblical character whose name is commonly used to refer to any living organism reaching great age.


Current projects [link]

The Mprize [link]

In 2003, de Grey and Gobel cofounded The Mprize (known then as the "Methuselah Mouse Prize"), a prize designed to accelerate research into effective life extension interventions by awarding monetary prizes to researchers who extend the healthy lifespan of mice to unprecedented lengths. Regarding this, de Grey stated in March 2005, "if we are to bring about real regenerative therapies that will benefit not just future generations, but those of us who are alive today, we must encourage scientists to work on the problem of aging."[2] The prize has been covered in many news sources, including the BBC[3][4] and Fortune magazine.[5]

The foundation believes that if reversing of aging can be exhibited in mice, an enormous amount of funding would be made available for similar research in humans, potentially including a massive government project similar to the Human Genome Project, or by private for-profit companies.[6]

The prize reached $1.5 million (USD) in August 2005, $3 million in November 2005, and $4 million in December 2006.[7][8][9]

Prize structure and current record holders [link]

The foundation currently awards the following two prizes:

  • A longevity prize for extending total lifespan
  • A rejuvenation prize focusing on intervention begun at older age

Whenever a record is broken, the researcher receives an amount based on the current size of the prize and the percentage by which they exceed the previously held record.[6]

The longevity prize allows any type of intervention, including breeding and genetic engineering; only a single mouse has to be presented. As of 2009, the record holder is a mouse whose growth hormone receptor had been genetically knocked out; it lived for 1819 days (almost 5 years).[10] The rejuvenation prize deals with peer-reviewed studies involving at least 40 animals, 20 treated and 20 control. Treatment may begin only at mid-life, and the average lifespan of the 10% longest living treated animals is used for the record. As of 2009, this record stands at 1356 days (about 3.7 years); the treatment was calorie restriction.[10]

Until November 2004, the foundation ran a reversal prize instead of the rejuvenation prize, with the following rules: the treatment of the mouse could be started at any age, and days before treatment had started were counted double. The winner was a mouse that did not receive any dietary or pharmacological treatment at all, just an enriched environment. The mouse lived for 1551 days (about 4.2 years).[11]

MLife Sciences [link]

MLife Sciences is an umbrella concept for various collaborative projects in which the Methuselah Foundation participates.[12] One of them involves Organovo, Inc., a regenerative medicine company, with whom the Methuselah Foundation aims to be able to three-dimensionally print new organs and tissues from the patient's DNA.[13]

Historical projects [link]

Undergraduate Research Initiative [link]

First proposed in April 2008, The Methuselah Foundation Undergraduate Research Initiative (MFURI)[14] provided undergraduate college students in any academic discipline with the knowledge and logistical support to develop projects which contribute to the advocacy or support of the Methuselah Foundation or its mission of radically extending healthy human life. The MFURI provided students within the United States education system with the opportunity to receive college credits, scholarships, and recommendations for their efforts. Students from other countries were eligible to apply for many of the available scholarships. The MFURI project was administered by a team of volunteer supervisors and coordinators and received scholarship funding from the Methuselah Foundation.[15] As of March 2009, MFURI has stopped under the Methuselah Foundation's supervision and moved to SENS Foundation, where it goes under the name of "the undergraduate component of the SENS Foundation's Academic Initiative."[16]

Staff [link]

The staff of the Methuselah Foundation:[17]

  • David Gobel, Chief Executive Officer
  • Roger Holzberg, Chief Marketing Officer / Creative Director
  • Andrej Bartke, Co-chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board for the Mprize
  • Craig Cooney, Co-chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board for the Mprize

Donors and volunteers [link]

On September 16, 2006, Peter Thiel, co-founder and former CEO of the online payments system PayPal, announced that he is pledging $3.5 million to the Methuselah Foundation "to support scientific research into the alleviation and eventual reversal of the debilities caused by aging" (SENS research).[18] Justin Bonomo, professional poker player, has pledged 5% of his tournament winnings for SENS research.[19]

References [link]

  1. ^ "What is the Methuselah Foundation?". Methuselah Foundation. Retrieved 2009-03-14. 
  2. ^ "Father of Regenerative Medicine Pushes Mprize Over the $1 Million Mark". Methuselah Foundation. March 8, 2005. Retrieved 2009-03-14. 
  3. ^ Sprague, Valerie (September 4, 2003). "Battle for 'old mouse' prize". BBC News. Retrieved 2009-03-14. 
  4. ^ de Grey, Aubrey (December 3, 2004). "'We will be able to live to 1,000'". BBC News. Retrieved 2009-03-14. 
  5. ^ Stipp, David (June 14, 2004). "This Man Would Have You Live A Really, Really, Really, Really Long Time. If a mouse can survive the equivalent of 180 years, why not us? Or our kids? Scientific provocateur Aubrey de Grey has a plan.". Fortune. Retrieved 2009-03-14. 
  6. ^ a b "What is the Mprize?". Methuselah Foundation. Retrieved 2009-03-14. 
  7. ^ "The $4 Million Mom". Methuselah Foundation. December 11, 2006. Retrieved 2009-03-14. 
  8. ^ "Donation Details". Methuselah Foundation. Retrieved 2009-03-14. [dead link]
  9. ^ "Mprize Donors". Methuselah Foundation. Retrieved 2009-03-14. 
  10. ^ a b "Record Holders". Methuselah Foundation. Retrieved 2009-03-14. 
  11. ^ "Reversal Prize". Methuselah Foundation. Retrieved 2009-03-14. 
  12. ^ "MLife Sciences". Methuselah Foundation. Retrieved 2009-06-03. 
  13. ^ Henderson, Megan (May 7, 2009). "'Live Forever' with Organs Made of Your DNA". KTLA.,0,5314454.worldnowvideo. Retrieved 2009-06-03. [dead link]
  14. ^ "Home Page". Methuselah Foundation Undergraduate Research Initiative (MFURI). Retrieved 2009-03-14. 
  15. ^ "Our Mission". Methuselah Foundation Undergraduate Research Initiative (MFURI). Retrieved 2009-03-14. [dead link]
  16. ^ "SENSFAI-U". SENS Foundation. Retrieved 2009-06-03. 
  17. ^ "Staff". Methuselah Foundation. Retrieved 2009-03-14. 
  18. ^ Davidson, Keay (September 18, 2006). "BAY AREA — Entrepreneur backs research on anti-aging — Scientist says humans could live indefinitely". San Francisco Chronicle. Retrieved 2009-03-14. 
  19. ^ "Please Welcome the Newest Members of The Three Hundred". Methuselah Foundation Blog. Methuselah Foundation. January 18, 2007. Retrieved 2009-03-14.


Methuselah (Hebrew: מְתוּשֶׁלַח / מְתוּשָׁלַח, Modern Metušélaħ / Metušálaħ Tiberian Məṯûšélaḥ / Məṯûšālaḥ ; "Man of the dart/spear", or alternatively "his death shall bring judgment") is the man reported to have lived the longest at the age of 969 in the Hebrew Bible. Extra-biblical tradition maintains that he died on the 11th of Cheshvan of the year 1656AM (Anno Mundi, after Creation), seven days before the beginning of the Great Flood. Methuselah was the son of Enoch, the father of Lamech, and the grandfather of Noah.

In the Bible

Methuselah is mentioned in one passage in the Hebrew Bible, Genesis 5:21–27, as part of the genealogy linking Adam to Noah. The genealogy is repeated, without the chronology, at 1Chronicles 1:3, and at Luke 3:37. The following is taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

The verses are available in three manuscript traditions, the Masoretic, the Septuagint and the Samaritan Torah. The three traditions do not agree with each other. The differences can be summarized as follows:

Methuselah (tree)

Methuselah is a 4,847-year-oldGreat Basin bristlecone pine (Pinus longaeva) tree growing high in the White Mountains of Inyo County in eastern California. For many years it was the world's oldest known living non-clonal organism, until superseded by the discovery in 2012 of another bristlecone pine in the same area with an age of 5,065 years (germination in 3050 BC).


Methuselah is located between 2,900 and 3,000 m (9,500 and 9,800 ft) above sea level in the "Methuselah Grove" in the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest within the Inyo National Forest. Its exact location has not been publicly disclosed.

Status as oldest known tree

Methuselah was 4,789 years old when sampled (likely in 1957) by Edmund Schulman and Tom Harlan, with an estimated germination date of 2833 BC. Methuselah was for many years considered the world's oldest living tree, until 2012 when an older bristlecone pine was discovered and later announced in 2013.

Other ancient trees

Methuselah (disambiguation)

Methuselah, a Biblical figure, was known for living a long time. Methuselah may also refer to:

Arts, entertainment, and media

Fictional characters and creatures

  • Methuselah (Redwall), a character in the Redwall novels by Brian Jacques
  • Methuselah (Trinity Blood), a fictional offshoot of Humanity that appear in the anime Trinity Blood
  • Methuselah (World of Darkness), an ancient and manipulative vampire in White Wolf's novels, RPGs and playable cards
  • The Howard families, sometimes described as "Methuselahs" in the books of Robert A. Heinlein including Methuselah's Children
  • Methuselah, the nickname of Rain Jewlitt, a 624-year-old character in the Immortal Rain manga
  • Methuselah, a mouse in Yann Martel's novel Life of Pi (2001) that lived for an unusually long time in a zoo's viper exhibit
  • Methuselah, the Price family's pet parrot in Barbara Kingsolver's The Poisonwood Bible
  • Films

  • "Methuselah Syndrome", a disease involving premature aging In the film Blade Runner (1982)
  • The biblical Methusaleh is portrayed by Anthony Hopkins In the film Noah (2014)
  • Podcasts:
