A rock opera is a work of rock music that presents a storyline told over multiple parts, songs or sections; however, it is not an opera. A rock opera differs from a conventional rock album, which usually includes songs that are not unified by a common theme or narrative. More recent developments include metal opera, punk rock opera, and rap opera (sometimes also called hip-hopera). In Russia, rock opera may be known as zong-opera (Зонг-опера).
A rock opera tells a coherent story, and may involve songs performed as if sung by separate characters in a drama, as in classical opera. A rock opera may or may not be presented in a staged performance. In recorded form it is a type of concept album, though the latter may simply set a mood or maintain a theme.
In an early use of the term, the July 4, 1966, edition of RPM Magazine (published in Toronto) wrote, "Bruce Cockburn and Mr [William] Hawkins are working on a Rock Opera, operating on the premise that to write you need only 'something to say'."
The Metal Opera is the first full-length album by Tobias Sammet's supergroup project, Avantasia. It is a concept album and a rock opera, and further information on the story can be found here. The album is followed by the sequel The Metal Opera Part II.
All songs written and composed by Tobias Sammet.
Note: "Malleus Maleficarum" is sampled from the song, "the Kingdom", by Tobias Sammet's other project, Edguy.