Messene (Greek: Μεσσήνη Messini), officially Ancient Messene, is a local community (topiki koinotita) of the municipal unit (dimotiki enotita) Ithomi, of the municipality (dimos) of Messini within the regional unit (perifereiaki enotita) of Messenia in the region (perifereia) of Peloponnese, one of 13 regions into which Greece has been divided. Before 2011 it held the same position in the administrative hierarchy, according to Law 2539 of 1997, the Kapodistrias Plan, except that Ithomi was an independent municipality and Ancient Messene was a local division (topiko diamerisma) within it.
Most of the area of Ancient Messene contains the ruins of the large classical city-state of Messene refounded by Epaminondas in 369 BC, after the battle of Leuctra and the first Theban invasion of the Peloponnese. Epaminondas invited the return to their native land of all the families that had gone into exile from Messenia during its long struggle with and servitude under the military state of Sparta, now finished as a conquering state. This new Messene, today's Ancient Messene, was constructed over the ruins of Ithome, an ancient city originally of Achaean Greeks, destroyed previously by the Spartans and abandoned for some time.
Messene may mean:
In Greek legendary history, Messene (Μεσσήνη) was the daughter of Triopas, king of Argos (or, alternately, daughter of Phorbas and sister of Triopas). She was married to Polycaon, son of king Lelex, of Laconia. Messene was said to have been very ambitious. After her father-in-law died, her husband's brother Myles inherited the throne to Laconia. It was not her intent to be wed to an anonymous man, so she went about gathering an armed force from both Argos and Laconia. Once their army was ready, the newly married couple invaded a nearby territory. This territory was then named Messenia, after the aggressive princess of Argos. Following the establishment of the new kingdom, they founded the city Andania, where they built their palace. Glaucus, the son of Aepytus and grandson of Cresphontes, established a hero cult of Messene. There was a heroon of her in Messenia with a statue of gold and Parian marble. It is estimated that the story took place in 10th century B.C.
Pausanias remarks that he checked through The Great Ehoiai, Naupactica and the works of Cinaethon and Asius of Samos in search for information concerning children of Polycaon and Messene, but found no relevant information.
Party lifestyles of the Warehouse and Co. Saving lives
before it was cool, that's all you need to know. Baby,
baby, I'd miss you more if you could speak. Baby, baby,
baby talk dirty to me or you won't ever be able to come
back to us.. Water?
I still got pictures of you, they read like a trainwreck
and stereo instructions. You've derailed. The off button
is to the left right next to you. You? On 3 we attack.
Immature is a word that describes 16 year old girls. You
were supposed to be beautiful.
I don't want to be associated with any of the letters
that could represent your name 'The babiest deer under a
baby blue sky'... Immature is a word that describes 16