A review is an evaluation of a publication, service, or company such as a movie (a movie review), video game (video game review), musical composition (music review of a composition or recording), book (book review); a piece of hardware like a car, home appliance, or computer; or an event or performance, such as a live music concert, play, musical theater show, dance show, or art exhibition. In addition to a critical evaluation, the review's author may assign the work a rating to indicate its relative merit. More loosely, an author may review current events, trends, or items in the news. A compilation of reviews may itself be called a review. The New York Review of Books, for instance, is a collection of essays on literature, culture, and current affairs. National Review, founded by William F. Buckley, Jr., is an influential conservative magazine, and Monthly Review is a long-running socialist periodical.
A peer review is the process by which scholars or scientists assess the work of their colleagues that has been submitted for publication in the scientific or scholarly literature.
Review is an American magazine covering national and international economic issues. It is published by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
Review (Bulgarian: Ревю) is a Bulgarian new wave band that spawned in the late 1980s and has been one of the most influential acts in the history of Bulgarian rock music. It was founded by Vasil Giurov, Kiril Manchev, Boicho Karaboichev and Milena Slavova in 1985 in Sofia. Their first album was called Reviu-ІV.88-V.89 and includes 10 tracks. The band split up in 1990 and reformed in 2001. They released the album 10 in 2002. In 2003 Милена quit the band and left for England.
Holy god
holy and strong
holy and immortal
have mercy on us
have mercy on us
Let the rain wash our tears away
let the water free our soul from sin
don't let evil come into our heart
it will makes his home there
Holy god
holy and strong
holy and immortal
have mercy on us