In J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional Middle-earth, Doriath is a forest realm of the Sindar in Beleriand ruled by King Thingol and his queen Melian. It serves as a principal stage for the stories of the First Age, such as The Tale of Beren and Lúthien from The Lays of Beleriand, and parts of The Children of Húrin and The Silmarillion. It is called the "Fenced Land" because of a girdle of enchantment Melian put about it, allowing none to enter the kingdom without her leave or Thingol's.
Doriath (Dôr Iâth, meaning Land of the Fence) was a land of forests located in central Beleriand adjoining the great River Sirion and its eastern tributaries: Mindeb, Esgalduin, Celos, and Aros. It contained the forests Neldoreth or Taur-na-Neldor, the northern beech forest; Nivrim, the West March, an oak forest; Region, the main forest; and Arthórien between Aros and Celon. Additionally, the forests of Brethil and Nan Elmoth were considered part of Doriath, though these last two lay outside the Girdle of Melian. Elu Thingol, lord of the Sindar, claimed all of Beleriand from the Gelion to Belegaer as his realm, but after the return of the Noldor to Middle-Earth Doriath was the center of his power. It is said that of all rulers of Beleriand in the legends "the most mighty and the longest free was Thingol of the Woods."
Menegroth is a black metal band from Switzerland founded in 2001 in Zurich. They play melodic black metal with lyrical influences from the art of Futurism (Marinetti), War, Gnosticism, Alchemy (inspired by Julius Evola) and the 'Style of Fascism' (Armin Mohler). The name comes from J. R. R. Tolkien's The Silmarillion, where Menegroth is a subterranean dwelling place of the Elves. On the album 'Gazourmah', Josef Maria Klumb (Von Thronstahl) speaks words at the song 'Mithras Initiation'. In July 2012 they did release an album about a mix of futurism and alchemy in a coat of Russian communism.
Menegroth has contributed another version of the song 'Zang Tumb Tumb' to 'Parole In Libertà' a tribute album for Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, a demo version of 'Imperium Solaris Luzifer' for the 'No Mercy For Democracy' black metal compilation tape and the song 'Mithras Initiation (UR Version)' for the Julius Evola tribute album 'The Spirit Of Europe'.
A king there was in days of the old
Ere men yet walked upon the mould
His power was reared in caverns shade
His hand was over glen and glade
His shields were shining as the moon
His lances keen of steel were hewn
Of silver grey his crown was wrought
The starlight in his banners caught
And silver thrilled his trumpets long
Beneath the stars in challenge strong
Enchantment did his realm enfold