Muga or MUGA may refer to:
A MUGA scan (Multi Gated Acquisition Scan) is a time-proven nuclear medicine test designed to evaluate the function of the right and left ventricles of the heart, thus allowing informed diagnostic intervention in heart failure. It is also called radionuclide angiography, radionuclide ventriculography, or gated blood pool imaging, as well as SYMA (SYnchronized Multigated Acquisition) scan. This modality uniquely provides a cine image of the beating heart, and allows the interpreter to determine the efficiency of the individual heart valves and chambers. MUGA/Cine scanning represents a robust adjunct to the now more common echocardiogram. Mathematics regarding acquisition of Q is well served by both of these methods as well as other inexpensive models supporting ejection fraction as a product of the heart/myocardium in systole. The advantage of a MUGA scan over an echocardiogram or an angiogram is due to its accuracy. An echocardiogram measures the shortening fraction of the ventricle and is limited by the user's ability. Furthermore, an angiogram is invasive and, often, more expensive. A MUGA scan provides a more accurate representation of cardiac ejection fraction.
In psychology, memory is the process in which information is encoded, stored, and retrieved. Encoding allows information from the outside world to be sensed in the form of chemical and physical stimuli. In the first stage the information must be changed so that it may be put into the encoding process. Storage is the second memory stage or process. This entails that information is maintained over short periods of time. Finally the third process is the retrieval of information that has been stored. Such information must be located and returned to the consciousness. Some retrieval attempts may be effortless due to the type of information, and other attempts to remember stored information may be more demanding for various reasons.
From an information processing perspective there are three main stages in the formation and retrieval of memory:
Memory (first title A World Called Maanerek) is a science fiction narration by Poul Anderson, first published in 1957.
In a far future, people are distributed over numerous planets, many of which have lost contact with Earth's civilisation. On a far ring planet, known as World Called Maanerek by its inhabitants, only a weak memory of Earth has survived, and technology has declined to preindustrial. Maanerek is coveted by a highly developed civilization because it is situated at a location of strategical value.
As the story opens, the protagonist Torrek jumps down onto a large bird with a wing spread of nine meters, kills it and lands with it in the sea, to prove himself worthy of marrying Sonna, a girl of the local tribe.
Torrek and Sonna are seized in invisible bonds and abducted in a spaceship. It is revealed that Torrek was a member of the same military unit of the abductors. In a neurological experiment, he has been sent to Maanerek with his memory emptied, for the sake of infiltrating the natives so that they willingly cooperate. The natives have accepted him as a somewhat strange, but friendly fellow.
Memory (also billed as mem-(o)-re and Memore) is a 2006 American techno-thriller film written by Bennett Joshua Davlin, and starring Billy Zane, Tricia Helfer and Terry Chen.
While lecturing in Brazil, Dr. Taylor Briggs an American authority on memory consults on a patient found deep in the Amazon. During the exam, Taylor is accidentally exposed to a mysterious substance which unlocks a series of memories in his brain. Memories that are not his. The memory of a killer who committed crimes before Taylor was even born. A killer who is much closer than you may think.
The mystery will rip open Taylor Brigg’s well crafted life, estranging his relationship with his best friend Dr. Deepra Chang, leading him into romance with a beautiful, enigmatic painter Stephanie Jacobs, straining his relationship with his mom’s best friend Carol Hargrave, causing him to question the surrogate father figure in his life, Dr. Max Lichtenstein.