a heptatonic scale whose first, third, and fifth scale degrees form a minor triad, that is, a seven-note scale in which the third note is a minor third (three semitones) above the first, and the fifth note is a perfect fifth (seven semitones) above the first. This includes (among others) the natural minor, harmonic minor, and melodic minor scales. A minor scale differs from a major scale in that the third degree in a major scale is a major third (four semitones) above the first degree. In other words, the third degree in a major scale is one semitone higher than in a minor scale.
the natural minor scale, also known as Aeolian scale, taken by itself. When a major scale and a natural minor scale have the same key signature, they are relative keys. A natural minor scale has the same notes as its relative major scale, but is built starting from the sixth note of the relative major scale.
the functional fusion of natural minor, harmonic minor, and melodic minor scales, as is used in Western classical music (seemajor and minor). A harmonic minor scale differs from a natural minor scale in that the seventh note is raised one semitone. Melodic minor scales raise both the sixth and seventh notes one semitone when ascending, but when descending, the sixth and seventh notes are flattened, producing the natural minor scale.
Haydn’s String Quartet in G minor Op ... They did nothing to smooth over the sudden explosions of dissonance, the melodic fragments that begin promisingly in the major, only to sour into the minor before vanishing altogether.
She is one of the few modern pop stars with a recognisable melodic thumbprint, in an age of multiple co-writes, and we all know it – those limited but very effective minor-key melodies, which swirl to ...