Mekton is a role-playing game which centers on the conventions of mecha anime and science fiction (although it can easily enough be adapted to other genres like police drama or high fantasy). It has seen several editions since its introduction in 1984, the most recent, Mekton Zeta (メクトン Z; a reference to the seminal mecha anime series Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam) being first published in 1994.
The first edition of Mekton was the first anime role-playing game available in North America; the anime influence was muted compared to later editions, but this is in parallel with North America's growing exposure to and awareness of anime in general. The use of katakana to represent the title of the game begins with the "Zeta" edition and may or may not be carried over into future editions. A "fourth edition," usually referred to as Mekton Double Zeta and assumed to be using the Fuzion System rules (Mekton II and Mekton Z use the older Interlock System), has been rumored to be in development by publishers R. Talsorian Games since 1997. According to designer Mike Pondsmith, one of the biggest stumbling blocks to the introduction of a new edition is a lack of a true "generic" pre-made campaign setting for the game. Mekton is a moderately supported system (though no new official material has been released since 1996), with a very active albeit small fanbase, centered on the Mekton Zeta Mailing List, an ezmlm based mailing list active since the fall of 1996.
Slowly you’re turning away
And I can’t help but say
Slowly my fate is turning
You’ve taken all that I’ve got
You’ve taken all that I’ve got
You’ve taken all that I’ve got to give
Somewhere the road is turning
And I can feel the yearning
You’ve taken all that I’ve got
You’ve taken all that I’ve got
You’ve taken all that I’ve got to give
Slowly our luck is changing
My thoughts are slowly ranging
Slowly our luck is changing
My thoughts are slowly ranging
Slowly you’re turning away
And I can’t help but say
You’ve taken all that I’ve got
You’ve taken all that I’ve got
You’ve taken all that I’ve got to give
Somewhere the road is turning
And I can feel the yearning
You’ve taken all that I’ve got
You’ve taken all that I’ve got