Meharon Ki Dhani
Meharon ki dhani, is a small village in Jaisalmer district of Rajasthan state in India. Village is located around 26.15511 N latitude, 70.90740 E longitude and 120 kilometers form district headquarters, Jaisalmer city.
Village is famous for granite stone Lakha Red.
The village at its current location was founded in 1910. Second phase of development started after beginning of granite some peoples started mining company Mehar Granite Industries and later Sabu Granite Industries;which are today largest producer of lakha red granite. Some other quarries are Sona Granite, MMG,PMG,LMG and Allahrakha Granite. all these are owned by affluent families of village.
Most of the people of village believe in Islam, and are Sindhis Muslim. They speak Sindhi language.
As of 2001 India census, Meharon ki dhani had a population of 745 with 387 male and 358 female. This Muslim village has a below average literacy rate, male literacy is 50 percent, and female literacy is around 10 percent. People are spending heavily on boys' education but female education is still not common because of conservative nature of society.