Measurement tower
A measurement tower or met mast is a free standing tower or a removed mast, which carries measuring instruments with meteorological instruments such as thermometers and wind velocity measurers. Measuring towers are an essential component of rocket launching sites, since one must know exact wind conditions for an execution of a rocket start. Also in the proximity of some nuclear power stations (as in Grafenrheinfeld, Germany) there are measuring towers. Beside measurement towers, which are equipped with meteorological measuring instruments, there are also measuring towers for measuring the radiation pattern of antennas. Such towers are frequently implemented as metal-free timber constructions for the avoidance of disturbance of the radiation pattern, as the measuring towers of the antenna measuring position in bridge.
ATTO-Tower, Vila de Balbina, Brazil
Obninsk Meteorological tower, Obninsk, Russia
Zotino Tall Tower Observation Facility, Zotino, Russia