Meadow Soprano
Meadow Mariangela Soprano (born September 13, 1982), played by Jamie-Lynn Sigler, is a fictional character on the HBO TV series The Sopranos. In the early seasons, Meadow is shown as a smart, spoiled, party-goer, over-dramatic, in-denial, and in some ways, a troubled kid. In the later seasons, she would later learn the consequences and reality of life, money, education, politics, and relationships. Her little brother, A.J., would later go through all these phases as he gets older.
Plot details
Meadow is the first-born child of Tony and Carmela Soprano. She was active in extracurricular activities in high school (playing on the championship girls' soccer team and singing in the chorus and school pageants), attended Columbia University, performing well in her classes after a poor first-year performance, and volunteered regularly at the South Bronx Law Center. Since her graduation, Meadow studied for medical school as she was interested in being a pediatrician, but she had second thoughts and considered a career in the legal profession.