Mayor Joseph "Joe" Quimby, nicknamed "Diamond Joe", is a recurring character from the animated television series The Simpsons. He is voiced by Dan Castellaneta, and first appeared in the episode "Bart Gets an F". A member of the Democratic Party, Quimby is the mayor of Springfield, and is a composite parody of U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy and certain other members of the Kennedy family who have entered politics.
Joe Quimby is a parody of Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy and the Kennedy Family, as well as of corrupt politicians in general. Like the Kennedys, Quimby "speaks with a Boston accent, throws money at political problems, and vacations in a coastal resort called the 'Quimby Compound.'" Castellaneta voices Quimby with Transatlantic and Boston accents, resulting in a voice reminiscent of that of President John F. Kennedy.
Quimby's full name is Joseph Fitzgerald O'Malley Fitzpatrick O'Donnell The Edge "Joe" Quimby and he has long served as the mayor of the city of Springfield. He appears as a slick, opportunistic politician whose chief priorities seem to be keeping himself in office and various other forms of corruption, including embezzling tax money, taking bribes from Fat Tony, and giving monthly kickbacks to Police Chief Wiggum. The seal on the wall of his office reads "Corruptus in Extremis", which means "extremely corrupt".