Maurrassisme is a political doctrine originated by Charles Maurras (1868–1952), most closely associated with the Action française movement. Maurassisme advocates absolute integral nationalism, monarchism, corporatism, alliance with revolutionary syndicalism, and opposition to democracy, liberalism, and capitalism.
Maurrassisme had as its ambition to be a counter-revolutionary doctrine, affirming the cohesion of France and its greatness. It began from a slogan "Politics first", from a postulate, patriotism, which the French Revolution had erased in preference to nationalism, and a state: for Maurras, the French society of the late 19th century was undermined by decadence and corruption. According to him, these ills arose from the Revolution and caused their paroxysm in the Dreyfus affair. Maurras' philosophical influences ranged from Plato and Aristotle to Joseph de Maistre, passing through Dante, Thomas Aquinas and Auguste Comte. His historical influences ranged from Sainte-Beuve to Fustel de Coulanges passing through Hippolyte Taine and Ernest Renan.
This tragic tragic display leaves me right where I want
to be
There's no lake for a vision or no birds to tell us the
storm will come
The battered fawn with nothing to lose is just as
powerful as a lion fighting for his den
When at any given instinct emotions can run so deep and
gore at anything with a face
And escape is but a dream in your present nightmare,
bound down and gagged
This isn't what's deserved
and this is all we have
And this is all we know I know you've tried explaining
it to me
But it's blocked out by my misery
Now if what you say is true, then this would mean the
whole damn thing
is as subtle as a gun to the head
In due time
In due time
Tomorrow wrote a message
(With your message)
For the springtime
And if pencil is to led, as abuse is to the bullet
The next tree stump might be a overdue solitude
As to the boy and the girl who drift apart like
From a rooftop which has lived many stories before us
A life's work can be anything but complete until
someone reads
And if a tree falls in the middle of the ocean would
the fish keep its secret
Or will they spill their guts, tonight.
And we slow down enough to breath in what we became
that night in the woods
Just rip the pages that make up my intentions, this
one's for you.
Traced out body with a fine wine taste washed down and
out to be made delicious
Such a weak day for nature when the dear has to make
sweet sweet revenge
How long can we go until forgiveness is just a black
and white song?