In Islam, a Maturidi (Arabic: ماتريدي) is one who follows Abu Mansur Al Maturidi's systematic theology, which is close to the Ash'ari theology (Aqidah). The term also denominates the School of Kalaam, or systematic theology, of those who follow Al-Maturidi's theology. In this article, the term "Maturidis" will refer to the adherents of this School.
Maturidism is considered to be a key school of Sunni Islam. The scholar Al-Saffarini (d. 1188) gave the following definition of the three Sunni schools in his Lawami al-Anwar:
Points about which the Maturidis differ from the Ash'aris are, among others, the nature of belief and the place of human reason. The Maturidis state that iman (faith) does not increase nor decrease, but remains static; it is rather taqwa (piety) which increases and decreases. The Ash'aris and say that belief does in fact increase and decrease.
Regarding the increased emphasis placed on the role of human reason, the Maturidis say that the unaided human mind is able to find out that the more major sins such as alcohol or murder are immoral and evil without the aid of revelation. The Ash'aris disagree, and conclude that the unaided human mind is unable to determine if something is good or evil, lawful or unlawful, moral or immoral, without the direct aid of divine revelation. Another point where Ash'aris and Maturidis differ regarding the role of human reason is divine amnesty for certain non-Muslims in the afterlife.
Out to lunch
Speak your piece
Good and drunk
Back on the street
What you see is what you get
No matter what you say
No time for anything
To take the pain away
You sure ain't the chosen few
I know you've turned a trick or two
You pulled the deuce this time
Another perfect day
Golden boy
Take your chance
You're a clockwork toy
You're a dime a dance
The truth is only black and white
No shade of gray
It's easy answers babe
There is the hell to pay
You know it's just the same to you
Ain't nothing you can do
No chance to change it now
Another perfect day
Total war
Blow your stack
Say no more
You know you can't go back
You're acting dumb baby, you don't know
The places you can go
You know you tell the truth
In a different way
No court of law would find for you
No matter what you do
Could be the perfect crime