Aquarius is a home computer designed by Radofin and released by Mattel in 1983. It features a Zilog Z80 microprocessor, a rubber chiclet keyboard, 4K of RAM, and a subset of Microsoft BASIC in ROM. It connects to a television set for audio and visual output, and uses a cassette tape recorder for secondary data storage. A limited number of peripherals, such as a 40-column thermal printer, a 4-color printer/plotter, and a 300 baud modem, were released for the unit.
Looking to compete in the standalone computer market, Mattel Electronics turned to Radofin, the Hong Kong based manufacturer of their Intellivision consoles. Radofin had designed two computer systems. Internally they were known as "Checkers", and the more sophisticated "Chess". Mattel contracted for these to become the Aquarius and Aquarius II, respectively. Aquarius was announced in 1982 and finally released in June 1983, at a price of $160. Production ceased four months later because of poor sales. Mattel paid Radofin to take back the marketing rights, and four other companies—CEZAR Industries, CRIMAC Inc., New Era Incentives, Inc., and Bentley Industries—also marketed the unit and accessories for it. Bentley Industries (of Los Angeles) and New Era Incentives, Inc. (of St. Paul) are still in business, though they no longer have any affiliation with the Aquarius product line.
You live in a world that is just
Way too strange to conceive
Angel's dressed in black
Most of the people who seem to be
Lost in the dark
- Are they alll too real?
Always a good time, never lonely
Suddenly realized the blood
red tears from my eyes
There was nothing much
I could do
But watch you die
Time after time
Burnt your wings on the sun
Metal Icarus
First time I met you wanted
To be by your side
And let my hair grow long
Those days are gone
But I still fly by night
Bringing life to the dead
Even through times
when I felt lonely
Suddenly realized the blood
red tears from my eyes
There was nothing much I could do
But watch you die
Time after time
Burnt your wings on the sun
Metal Icarus
Night after night
Upon forced unknown
Metal Icarus
Ah! Those were the years
I can still feel the windy heights
Against my skin
Andif I close my eyes
And if I close my eyes