Stellenbosch University (formally University of Stellenbosch; Afrikaans: Universiteit van Stellenbosch) is a leading public research university situated in the town of Stellenbosch, South Africa. Other nearby universities are the University of Cape Town and University of the Western Cape.
Stellenbosch University (abbreviated as SU) designed and manufactured Africa's first microsatellite, SUNSAT, launched in 1999.
Stellenbosch University was the first African university to sign the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities.
The students of Stellenbosch University are nicknamed "Maties". Some claim the term arises from their maroon rugby colours: a tamatie is the Afrikaans translation for tomato. It is more likely to come from the Afrikaans colloquialism maat (meaning "buddy" or "mate") originally used diminutively by the students of the University of Cape Town's precursor, the South African College.
The origin of the university can be traced back to the Stellenbosch Gymnasium, which was founded in 1864 and opened on 1 March 1866. The first five students matriculated in 1870, but capacity did not initially exist for any tertiary education. However in the 1870s the Cape Colony's first locally-elected government took office and prioritised education. In 1873, four of the five 1870 matriculants became the institution's first graduates by attaining the "Second Class Certificate" through distance learning, and the gymnasium's student numbers rose to over a hundred.
One heart of fire, another made of ice
What I once I though was true, has shown to be lies
I know you've been mistreated
You have been hurt
But treating me this way
Won't take away your pain
No tears, I'll cry for you
Although my heart's bleeding
I won't shed a drop
'Cause you are no worth it
You are nothing to me
Shed no tears
My life is passion, your life is full of rules
You think that passion's something made just for fools
[A:] There's nothing more to say now
[S:] Nothing to say
[A:] You've had your chance
[S:] You've had your chance
[A:] You threw away the key that opens up my heart
[S:] My heart
No tears, I'll cry for you
Although my heart's bleeding
I won't shed a drop
'Cause you are no worth it
You are nothing to me
Shed no tears
No tears, I'll cry for you
Although my heart's bleeding
I won't shed a drop
'Cause you are no worth it
You are nothing to me
Shed no tears.