Mathias Everard
Mathias Everard, KH (died 1857), was a major-general of Randilestown, Co. Meath. He was the third son of Thomas Everard of Randilestown, by his wife and cousin, Barbara, daughter of O'Reilly of Ballinlough Castle, and sister of Sir Henry Nugent, was appointed ensign in the 2nd or Queen's, regiment at Gibraltar 28 Sept. 1804, and became lieutenant 21 March 1805.
Military campaigns
In December 1805 the company to which young Everard belonged, with two others of his regiment and two of the 54th foot, were captured on their voyage home from Gibraltar by a French squadron of six sail of the line and some frigates, under Admiral Ganteaume, bound for Mauritius. The troops were put on board the Volontaire and carried about for three months, until the Volontaire ran into Table Bay for water, in ignorance of the recapture of the Cape by the British, and had to strike to the shore batteries. The troops were landed, and the companies of the Queen's did duty for some months at the Cape; but those of the 54th, to which Everard appears to have been temporarily attached for duty, were sent with the reinforcements to the Rio Plata, and acted as mounted infantry with the force under Sir Samuel Auchmuty.