Logain Ablar: Previously a False Dragon; later a sworn ally to Rand al'Thor and a leading Asha'man. In A Memory of Light, Logain becomes the new M'Hael of the Black Tower.
Jonan Adley: Early recruit of the Black Tower. Killed when Rand al'Thor lost control of Callandor in Altara.
Aginor: One of the Forsaken.
Lelaine Akashi: Aes Sedai sister of the Blue Ajah.
Nalesean Aldiaya. Deceased commander of the Band of the Red Hand.
Algarin: Tairen Lord with potential to be an Asha'man.
Alivia. Former Seanchan damane. Most powerful female channeler alive.
Katerine Alruddin: Black Ajah sister formerly of the Red Ajah.
Alviarin: Black Ajah sister formerly of the White Ajah.
Amathera. Former Panarch of Tarabon. Love interest of Juilin Sandar.
Merana Ambrey: Aes Sedai of the Grey Ajah.
Amys: Aiel Wise One.
Anaiya: Aes Sedai sister of the Blue Ajah.
Setalle Anan: Former Aes Sedai who becomes an innkeeper in Edou Dar.
Indeed, some of The Wheel of Time’s biggest bum notes come from aping Game of Thrones’ borderline nihilism, resulting in an oddly gritty Two Rivers, a Mat Cauthon who murders an entire family, and a child-killing Queen Morgase.
Meanwhile, Mat Cauthon (Dónal Finn) has seemingly returned to being the flirtatious gambler we all know and love, but it's clear that he's dealing with some aftereffects from blowing the Horn of ...
Mat Cauthon seems to have a connection to his past lives ... Mat blew the Horn of Valere to defeat the Seanchan.Mat Cauthon (D�nal Finn) fighting alongside the heroes of the Horn of Valere in "The Wheel of Time" season two finale.
After a battle between the Seanchan and the Whitecloaks, Rand confronts Ishamael (Fares Fares) with Mat Cauthon (Dónal Finn), who accidentally stabs Rand with the evil dagger from Shadar Logoth while trying to attack Ishamael ... Mat Cauthon.
The new season also jumps back into Mat Cauthon (Dónal Finn) blowing a magic horn that summoned dead heroes to his aid and left him with a dead language in his head, and Perrin Aybara’s (Marcus...