Massimo Mazzucco
Massimo Mazzucco (born 20 July 1954 in Turin) is an Italian filmmaker who is known for producing documentary films such as The New American Century and Cancer -The Forbidden Cures. Mazzucco is also the editor of, an Italian news site concentrating mostly on the September 11 WTC attacks.
Feature films
Summertime - 1983
Romance - 1986
Hidden Lens (Obiettivo Indiscreto) - 1992
Shadow of a Kiss (L'Ombra Abitata) - 1994
Aaron Gillespie Will Make You a Star - 1996
Digital Format Documentaries / DVD
Inganno Globale / Global Deceit - 2006
The New American Century / Il Nuovo Secolo Americano - 2007
L'altra Dallas / The Other Dallas - 2008
I Padroni Del Mondo / The Lords of the World - 2009
Cancer: The Forbidden Cures - 2010
The True History of Marijuana / La vera storia della Marijuana - 2011
September 11 - The New Pearl Harbor - 2013
This 5-hour documentary is a point-by-point rebuttal of the official account of 911, showing it to be false from top to bottom.