Marvel Knights was an imprint of Marvel Comics that contained material taking place within the mainstream Marvel Universe (Earth-616). The imprint originated in 1998 when Marvel outsourced four titles (Black Panther, The Punisher, Daredevil, and The Inhumans) to Joe Quesada and Jimmy Palmiotti's company Event Comics; Event hired the creative teams for the Knights line while Marvel published them.
In 1998, Marvel Comics, which had just filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, asked Quesada to work for Marvel in a more exclusive capacity, and contracted him and his Event Comics partners to produce a line of Marvel books dubbed Marvel Knights. As editor of Marvel Knights, Quesada worked on a number of low-profile characters such as Daredevil, Punisher, The Inhumans and Black Panther, encouraging experimentation and using his contacts in the independent comics world to bring in creators such as David W. Mack, Mike Oeming, Brian Michael Bendis, Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon. Quesada himself also illustrated a Daredevil story written by film director Kevin Smith.
Marvel Knights 4 was an ongoing comic book series featuring the Marvel Comics superhero team, the Fantastic Four. The series was launched as part of the company's Marvel Knights imprint, and ran for 30 issues (Apr. 2004 - Aug. 2006). All issues in the series were written by playwright Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, and presented stories that focused less upon science fiction themes than typical Fantastic Four tales.
In 2004, Marvel Comics' editor-in-chief Joe Quesada announced that playwright Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa would become the new writer for Fantastic Four, one of the company's flagship titles. The move proved to be controversial, as the series' writer at that time -- Mark Waid—was very popular with readers. Soon thereafter, Marvel announced that Aguirre-Sacasa would be given a new Fantastic Four title to be published under the "Marvel Knights" imprint, and that Waid would continue on the primary series (along with artist Mike Wieringo). Aguirre-Sacasa's series, entitled Marvel Knights 4, ran for 30 issues until its cancellation in 2006.